

Words and phrases

国際(こくさい)スケート連盟(れんめい) International Skating Union

11日(じゅういちにち) the 11th

フィギュア figure skating

新設(しんせつ)する to newly establish

スケーティング skating

アワード award

受賞者 (じゅしょうしゃ) award recipient

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

男子 (だんし) men’s [singles]

羽生結弦 (はにゅうゆづる) Yuzuru Hanyu

初代(しょだい)の first generation, the first

最優秀 (さいゆうしゅう) the best, the most

最優秀選手賞 (さいゆうしゅうせんしゅしょう) most valuable player (skater) award

受賞(じゅしょう)する to receive an award

最終候補者 (さいしゅうこうほしゃ) final candidate

ノミネートする to nominate

中(なか)で among

ネーサン・チェン Nathan Chen

米国 (べいこく) the United States

〜ら ~ and others

争(あらそ)い competition

制(せい)する to prevail over, to win

ベストコスチューム best costume

部門 (ぶもん) category

昨季 (さくき) last season

途中 (とちゅう) halfway

〜まで until ~

演(えん)じる to perform

フリー free skate

衣装 (いしょう) outfit

候補(こうほ)に挙(あ)がる to be named as a candidate, to be nominated

アイスダンス ice dance

マディソン・チョック Madison Chock

エバン・ベーツ Evan Bates

組 (ぐみ) pair

選(えら)ぶ to choose

Quick questions

1) ISUスケーティング・アワードとは何ですか?

2) 羽生選手はどの賞を受賞しましたか?

3) 羽生選手はほかに何の候補に挙がっていましたか?


The International Skating Union on the 11th announced the recipients of the newly established “ISU Skating Awards” in the field of figure skating, with the men’s (singles competitor) Yuzuru Hanyu (ANA) the first to receive the “Most Valuable Skater” award. Among those nominated as finalists, he prevailed in competition over men’s (singles competitor) including Nathan Chen (USA).

In the category of “best costume”, Hanyu had been nominated for the costume (worn) during the free skating (routine) “Origin,” performed until the middle of last season, but the ice dance pair Madison Chock and Evan Bates (USA) were chosen (for that award instead).


1) What are the ISU Skating Awards?


Awards newly established by the International Skating Union for figure skating.

2) Which award did Hanyu receive?


The Most Valuable Skater award.

3) What was Hanyu also nominated for?


He was nominated in the best costume category for the outfit (worn) for his free skate (routine) “Origin.”