Sample newspaper article



JR東によると、山手線の混雑情報へのアクセスは1日約千件だったのが、感染拡大後は約1万件に急増。8日は約3万件に上った。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

JR東日本(ひがしにほん) East Japan Railway Company [JR東(ひがし) JR East]

9日 (ここのか) the 9th

首都圏 (しゅとけん) Tokyo metropolitan area

主要路線 (しゅようろせん) main train lines

7月中旬 (しちがつちゅうじゅん) mid-July

〜から from ~

約 (やく) approximately

5分前 (ごふんまえ) five minutes prior

混雑状況 (こんざつじょうきょう) congestion situation

提供 (ていきょう) offer

始(はじ)める to start

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

スマートフォン smartphone

アプリ application, app

座(すわ)れる to be able to sit down

〜から ... まで from~ to ...

かなり considerably, quite

混(こ)み合(う) to be crowded

5段階 (ごだんかい) five levels

分(わ)ける to divide

表示(ひょうじ)する to display

山手線 (やまのてせん) Yamanote Line

2014年 (にせんじゅうよんねん) year 2014

3月 (さんがつ) March

同様(どうよう)の similar

サービス service

スタート start

新型(しんがた)コロナウイルス novel coronavirus

感染拡大 (かんせんかくだい) spread of infection

影響 (えいきょう) effect

ニーズ need

高(たか)い high, strong

判断(はんだん)する to determine

拡充 (かくじゅう) expansion

決(き)める to decide

〜によると according to~

情報 (じょうほう) information

アクセス access

1日 (ついたち) the 1st

千件 (せんけん) 1,000 visits/views

〜後(ご) after ~

1万件 (いちまんけん) 10,000 visit/views

急増 (きゅうぞう) rapid increase, surge

8日 (ようか) the 8th

上(のぼ)る to reach

Quick questions

1) JR東日本は何の情報提供を始めますか?

2) それはどのように提供されますか?

3) JR東日本はなぜサービスの拡充を決めたのですか?


On the 9th, the East Japan Railway Co. announced it will start to offer (information on) the congestion situation five minutes prior (about every five minutes) on main train lines in the Tokyo metropolitan area from mid-July. A smartphone app will display the conditions divided into five levels from "able to sit down" to "extremely crowded."

The company started a similar service for the Yamanote Line in March 2014. It decided to expand the service after determining the strong needs for such services due to the spread of the novel coronavirus infection.

According to JR East, those accessing the congestion information of the Yamanote Line was approximately 1,000 visits a day, but after the spread of the infection, the number surged to about 10,000 visits. On (June) 8, it reached around 30,000 visits.


1) What information is JR East going to offer?


Congestion information on major train lines in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

2) How is it going to be provided?


A smartphone app will display the conditions divided into five levels from “able to sit down” to “extremely crowded.”

3) Why did JR East decide to expand the service?


It determined the strong need for such services due to the spread of the novel coronavirus infection.