Sample newspaper article




Words and phrases

日本郵便 (にほんゆうびん) Japan Post Co., Ltd.

31日 (さんじゅういちにち) the 31st

イタリア Italy

スペイン Spain

など and others

153カ国(ひゃくごじゅうさんかこく)・地域(ちいき) 153 countries and regions

~宛(あ)て to ~

国際郵便物 (こくさいゆうびんぶつ) international mail

航空便 (こうくうびん) airmail

~による through~

引(ひ)き受(う)け acceptance

4月 (しがつ) April

2日 (ふつか) the 2nd

~から from~

当分(とうぶん)の間(あいだ) for the time being

停止(ていし)する to suspend, to stop

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

新型(しんがた)コロナウイルス novel coronavirus

感染拡大 (かんせんかくだい) spread of infection

~に伴(ともな)う to accompany ~

航空路線 (こうくうろせん) flight, air route

運休 (うんきゅう) suspension of operation

減便 (げんびん) reduction of service

相次(あいつ)ぐ to occur one after another

これらの these, those

輸送(ゆそう)ルート transportation route

途絶(とだ)える to cease

ため because

通常 (つうじょう) normally

取(と)り扱(あつか)う to handle

6割 (ろくわり) 60 percent

~超 (ちょう) more than ~

配送 (はいそう) delivery

~ができない to be incapable of ~

~のうち out of ~

船便 (ふなびん) sea mail

利用(りよう)できる available

届く (とど)く to reach

まで until

1カ月(いっかげつ)単位(たんい) on a monthly basis

時間(じかん)がかかる to take time

Quick questions

1) 日本郵便は何ヵ国・地域への国際郵便物の航空便を停止しますか?

2) このような配達停止の原因は何ですか?

3) 一部の国・地域への船便の配達はどのくらい時間がかかりますか?


Japan Post announced March 31 a temporary suspension of the acceptance of international airmail to 153 countries and regions, including Italy and Spain, from April 2 for the time being. Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus infection, flights have been suspended or their number decreased, and transportation routes to those countries and regions have been disrupted.

Japan Post normally handles international airmail to 240 countries and regions, but more than 60 percent of them will be affected.

Of the 153, sea mail is available for 126 countries and regions, but delivery will take a month or more.


1) How many countries and regions will Japan Post suspend the delivery of international airmail to?


153 countries and regions.

2) What is the reason for the suspension?


The suspension and decrease of flights due to the spread of the novel coronavirus.

3) How long does it take to deliver sea mails to some countries and regions?


It will take a month or more.