Sample newspaper article



さいたま市の市立常盤小は自宅滞在できない場合は預かるとしており、児童約70人を受け入れた。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

新型(しんがた)コロナウイルス novel coronavirus

感染防止策 (かんせんぼうしさく) precautionary measure against infection

~として as~

安倍晋三 (あべしんぞう) Shinzo Abe

首相 (しゅしょう) prime minister

要請 (ようせい) request

受(う)ける to comply with

全国 (ぜんこく) across the nation

小中高校 (しょうちゅうこうこう) elementary, junior and senior high schools

2日 (ふつか) the 2nd

臨時休校 (りんじきゅうこう) temporary closure of school

始(はじ)まる to begin

突然(とつぜん)の sudden

表明 (ひょうめい) expression, announcement

~から since~

週末 (しゅうまつ) weekend

~を挟(はさ)む with ~ in between

4日後 (よっかご) four days later

実施 (じっし) implementation

混乱 (こんらん) confusion, chaos

続(つづ)く to continue

~中 (なか) amid~

各校 (かくこう、かっこう) each school

子(こ)ども child, children

預(あず)かる to look after

授業 (じゅぎょう) class

縮小(しゅくしょう)する to reduce

対応 (たいおう) handling

追(お)われる to be busy with, forced to

共同通信 (きょうどうつうしん) Kyodo News

2月28日 (にがつにじゅうはちにち) Feb. 28

~まで until~

取材 (しゅざい) collecting information (for a news story)

その方針 (ほうしん) such plan

示(しめ)す to indicate

感染者 (かんせんしゃ) infected person

確認(かくにん)する to confirm

島根県 (しまねけん) Shimane Prefecture

~を除(のぞ)く except~

46都道府県 (よんじゅうろくとどうふけん) 46 prefectures

教育委員会 (きょういくいいんかい) board of education

3月3日 (さんがつみっか) March 3

~以降 (いこう) from~

学校 (がっこう) school

見送(みおく)る to refrain from, wait and see

さいたま市(し) Saitama City

市立 (しりつ) municipal, city-run

常盤小 (ときわしょう) Tokiwa Elementary School

自宅滞在 (じたくたいざい) staying at home

できない cannot

預(あず)かる to take in

児童 (じどう) child, children

約70人 (やくななじゅうにん) around 70 people

Quick questions

1) 臨時休校する方針を示した教育委員会はいくつありましたか?

2) さいたま市の学校は何をしましたか?


At the request of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, elementary, junior and senior high schools across the nation have temporarily closed their schools on March 2 to prevent infection from the novel coronavirus. Its implementation came four days after his sudden announcement, with a weekend in between. Amid continued confusion, schools were forced to look after children and reduce lessons.

Responding to Kyodo News reporting by Feb. 28, 46 prefectural education boards, excluding Shimane Prefecture where no cases of the disease had been confirmed, answered that they planned to temporarily close their schools. Some schools will implement it after March 3, some will refrain from closing.

Municipal Tokiwa Elementary School in Saitama Prefecture announced it would take in children who could not stay home and accepted around 70 children.


1) How many education boards expressed an intention to close schools temporarily?


Forty-six prefectural boards of education.

2) What did a Saitama school do?


It announced it would take in children who could not stay at home, and accepted around 70 children.