Sample newspaper article

今年話題になった言葉に贈られる「現代用語の基礎知識選 2019ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞」が2日発表され、年間大賞にラグビー・ワールドカップ(W杯)日本代表のスローガン「ONE TEAM(ワンチーム)」が選ばれた。


表彰式で日本ラグビー協会の森重隆会長は「一生懸命応援していただき結果を残すことができた」と述べた。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

今年 (ことし) this year

話題(わだい)になる to cause a buzz

言葉 (ことば) word

贈(おく)る to give

現代用語(げんだいようご)の基礎知識(きそちしき) "The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Words"

選 (せん) selection

ユーキャン U-Can, Inc.

新語 (しんご) new word

流行語 (りゅうこうご) trendy word

大賞 (たいしょう) grand prize

2日 (ふつか) the 2nd

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

年間 (ねんかん) of the year

ラグビー・ワールドカップ Rugby World Cup

W杯 (だぶりゅーはい) World Cup

日本代表 (にほんだいひょう) Japanese national team

スローガン slogan

選(えら)ぶ to choose

トップテン Top 10

台風 (たいふう) typhoon

接近 (せっきん) approach

~に伴(ともな)う associated with ~

鉄道各社 (てつどうかくしゃ) railway companies

実施(じっし)する to implement

計画運休 (けいかくうんきゅう) planned suspension

タピオカ tapioca

~入(い)り containing~

ドリンク beverage

飲(の)む to drink

指(さ)す to indicate (to mean)

タピる to drink bubble tea

入賞(にゅうしょう)する to place/get a prize

ヒール the heel on a high heel shoe

靴 (くつ) shoe

着用強制 (ちゃくようきょうせい) forced wearing

~に反対(はんたい)する against~

運動 (うんどう) movement

新 (しん) new

元号 (げんごう) era name

令和 (れいわ) Reiwa (the new era name)

表彰式 (ひょうしょうしき) award ceremony

日本(にほん)ラグビー協会(きょうかい) Japan Rugby Football Union

森重隆 (もりしげたか) Shigetaka Mori

会長 (かいちょう) president

一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい) with great enthusiasm

応援(おうえん)する to cheer

結果(けっか)を残(のこ)す to produce results

~できる to be able to~

述(の)べる to remark

Quick questions

1) 現代用語の基礎知識とは何ですか?

2) 「ワンチーム」とはどんな言葉ですか?

3) 「タピる」とはどういう意味ですか?


The word causing a buzz this year, which was given "'The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Words' selection for the 2019 U-Can new word/trendy word yearly grand prize" as announced on the 2nd, was "One Team," the slogan of the Japan representatives (national team) at the Rugby World Cup.

Also placing in the Top 10, "planned suspension" which was implemented by railway companies in preparation for approaching typhoons, and "tapiru," a verb meaning to drink a tapioca beverage (bubble tea). The movement against the forced wearing of high heels (by women in the workplace), "#KuToo," and new era name "Reiwa" were also selected.

At the award ceremony, Japan Rugby Football Union President Shigetaka Mori said, "We've managed to get results thanks to your whole-hearted support."


1) What is the "Gendai Yōgo no Kiso Chishiki"?


It's an encyclopedia of contemporary Japanese words.

2) What kind of word is "One Team"?


It was the slogan for the Japanese national team in the World Cup.

3) What does "tapiru" mean?


It's for when you drink a tapioca beverage (bubble tea).