Sample newspaper article

Organizers give North Korea access to 2020 Olympics info



Words and phrases

東京五輪 (とうきょうごりん) Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games

選手団 (せんしゅだん) team

参加 (さんか) participation

~に関(かん)する about~, regarding~

情報 (じょうほう) information

得(え)るために in order to obtain

必要(ひつよう)な necessary

など and others

北朝鮮 (きたちょうせん) North Korea

国内(こくない)オリンピック委員会(いいんかい) National Olympic Committee

付与(ふよ)する to give

問題 (もんだい) issue

大会組織委員会 (たいかいそしきいいんかい) organizing committee for the 2020 Games

提供 (ていきょう) する to provide

同日 (どうじつ) same day

明(あき)らかにする to reveal, to make clear

~の時点(じてん)では as of ~

今後 (こんご) from here on

制裁 (せいさい) sanctions

~との関係(かんけい)で in relation to ~

整理(せいり)する to arrange

点 (てん) point

政府 (せいふ) government

情報提供 (じょうほうていきょう) to provide information

相談(そうだん)する to consult

~としている they say ~

組織委 (そしきい) organizing committee

各国・地域 (かっこく・ちいき) countries and regions

運用開始 (うんようかいし) start of the use

エクストラネット extranet

~という to be called ~

専用(せんよう)システム special system

宿泊 (しゅくはく) accommodation

会場 (かいじょう) venue

アクセス access

やりとりする to share

ブロックする to block

五輪憲章 (ごりんけんしょう) Olympic Charter

精神 (せいしん) spirit

反(はん)する to violate

反発(はんぱつ)する to object

Quick questions

1) 大会組織委員会はなぜ北朝鮮にIDを付与しなかったのですか。

2) エクストラネットはどのように使われていますか。


It was revealed on the 12th that the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which had not granted the necessary IDs, etc., to the North Korean National Olympic Committee (NOC) in order [for them] to obtain information about the team's participation in the 2020 Games, had provided [such information] to the North Korean NOC that day. As of March 11, [the committee had said] it had to consult with the government regarding the provision of information "since there are points which need to be arranged from here on in relation to sanctions."

The organizing committee and NOCs of countries and regions have used the special system called extranet since 2016 to share information on accommodation, access to the venues and so on, but North Korea had been blocked from the system. The North Korean Olympic Committee lashed out, calling it a "violation of the spirit of the Olympic Charter."


1) Why did the organizing committee not provide IDs to North Korea?


Because there were points that needed to be arranged in relation to sanctions.

2) What is the extranet used for?


Sharing information on accommodation, access to the venues and so on.