Sample newspaper article





Words and phrases

東京都 (とうきょうと) Tokyo

小池百合子 (こいけゆりこ) Yuriko Koike

知事 (ちじ) governor

都 (と) Tokyo Metropolitan Government

年度 (ねんど) fiscal year

コンピューターゲーム computer game

腕前 (うでまえ) skill, performance

競う (きそう) to compete

eスポーツ esports

大会 (たいかい) convention, tournament (event)

開く (ひらく) to hold

明らかにする (あきらかにする) to reveal, to announce

予算案 (よさんあん) budget plan

経費 (けいひ) budget, expense

5千万円 (ごせんまんえん) ¥50 million

計上する (けいじょうする) to allocate

開催 (かいさい) convening

~に合わせる (~にあわせる) along with ~

ゲーム game

アニメ anime

関連の (かんれんの) related

企業 (きぎょう) company

ブース booth

出展する (しゅってんする) to set up

中小企業 (ちゅうしょうきぎょう) small- and medium-size enterprise

図る (はかる) to seek

狙い (ねらい) aim

期間 (きかん) duration

2日間 (ふつかかん) two days

時期 (じき) time period

場所 (ばしょ) venue

今後 (こんご) from now, later

関係団体 (かんけいだんたい) concerned parties

協議する (きょうぎする) to discuss

氏 (し) Mr., Ms.

この日 (このひ) this day

査定 (さてい) assessment

後 (ご) after

さまざまな many different, various

産業 (さんぎょう) industry

絡む (からむ) to involve

設ける (もうける) to set up

それら they

紹介する (しょうかいする) to introduce

したい to want to do

述べる (のべる) to say, to mention

海外 (かいがい) overseas

多額 (たがく) large amount

賞金 (しょうきん) prize money

出る (でる) to offer

昨年 (さくねん) last year

ジャカルタ・アジア大会 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang

公開競技 (こうかいきょうぎ) demonstration sports

~として as ~

実施する (じっしする) to implement

Quick questions

1) 東京都でeスポーツの大会が開かれるのはいつですか。

2) 大会の予算はいくらですか。

3) 大会の狙いは何ですか。


Tokyo will hold a convention on computer games known as "esports" during the 2019 fiscal year, Gov. Yuriko Koike announced Jan. 6. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government plans to allocate ¥50 million in the budget for fiscal 2019.

The aim of the event is to promote small- and medium-size enterprises in the gaming and anime industries by setting up their booths at the venue. It will be a two-day convention, and the time period and venue will be discussed among concerned parties later.

"Many different industries are involved in esports, and we would like to introduce them by setting up their booths at the convention," Koike said after making the budget assessment.

Esports, which involves a large amount of prize money at tournaments overseas, was implemented as a demonstration sport at the Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang last year.


1) When will the esports convention be held in Tokyo?


Fiscal 2019 (beginning April). Dates are undecided.

2) How much is the budget for the convention?


¥50 million.

3) What is the aim of the convention?


To promote small- and medium-size enterprises and so on.