Sample newspaper article


実行委によると、4月のパレードには宮城県外から約2万4600人、国外からも約400人が訪れ、宿泊費や飲食費などを中心に効果があった。実行委の伊藤勝也会長(仙台市文化スポーツ部長)は「羽生選手の偉業が数字としても表れ、驚いている」と話した。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

平昌冬季五輪 (ぴょんちゃんとうきごりん) Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

フィギュアスケート男子 (ふぃぎゅあすけーとだんし) men's figure skating

羽生結弦 (はにゅうゆづる) Yuzuru Hanyu

選手 (せんしゅ) athlete

66年ぶり (ろくじゅうろくねんぶり) the first time in 66 years

2連覇 (にれんぱ) second consecutive win [back-to-back win]

達成する (たっせいする) to achieve

地元 (じもと) hometown

仙台市 (せんだいし) Sendai City

開かれる (ひらかれる) to be held in

祝賀パレード (しゅくがぱれーど) celebratory parade

経済効果 (けいざいこうか) economic effect [positive]

推計 (すいけい) estimation

約 (やく) about

18億 (じゅうはちおく) 1.8 billion

5千万 (ごせんまん) 50 million

円 (えん) yen

実行委員会 (じっこういいんかい) the organizing committee, 実行委 (じっこうい) the organizing committee [on second reference]

発表する (はっぴょうする) to announce

~によると according to ~

4月 (しがつ) April

宮城県外 (みやぎけんがい) outside of Miyagi Prefecture

国外 (こくがい) overseas

訪れる (おとずれる) to visit

宿泊費 (しゅくはくひ) lodging expenses

飲食費 (いんしょくひ) food and drink expenses

中心に (ちゅうしんに) centered/focused on

伊藤勝也 (いとうかつや) Katsuya Ito

会長 (かいちょう) chairperson

文化スポーツ部長 (ぶんかすぽーつぶちょう) head of the culture and sports department

偉業 (いぎょう) accomplishment/exploit

数字 (すうじ) figure

表れる (あらわれる) to appear

驚く (おどろく) to be surprised

話す (はなす) to talk

Quick questions

1) 羽生結弦選手は何を達成しましたか。

2) なぜ仙台市でパレードが開かれたのですか。

3) どこに経済効果がよく表れましたか。


A parade to celebrate 23-year-old Yuzuru Hanyu achieving the first back-to-back wins in 66 years in men's figure skating at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, was held in his hometown of Sendai and had an economic effect of an estimated ¥1.85 billion, an organizing committee announced Nov. 30.

According to the committee, April's parade was attended by around 24,600 people from outside Miyagi Prefecture and around 400 from overseas, so the effect mainly focused on spending for lodging, and food and drink.

"It's surprising to see yet another accomplishment by Hanyu appear in such (positive economic) figures," said Katsuya Ito, chairman of the committee and director of the culture and sports department in Sendai.


1) What did Yuzuru Hanyu achieve?


The first back-to-back men's figure skating wins in 66 years.

2) Why was the parade held in Sendai?


Because it's Yuzuru Hanyu's hometown.

3) In what areas did the economic effects appear?


Accommodation, and food and drinks.