Sample newspaper article



100人は同誌が毎年、政治家や芸術家らから独自に選出。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

米誌 (べいし) American magazine

タイム Time

毎年恒例(まいとしこうれい)の annual

世界(せかい)で in the world

最(もっと)も影響力(えいきょうりょく)のある most influential

100人 (にん) 100 people

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

パイオニア pioneer

部門 (ぶもん) category

テニス tennis

大坂(おおさか)なおみ Naomi Osaka

選手 (せんしゅ) athlete

選(えら)ぶ to choose

同誌 (どうし) the same magazine

往年(おうねん)の former, one-time

名選手 (めいせんしゅ) star player

クリス・エバート Chris Evert

コメント comment

~として as~

全米 (ぜんべい) オープン U.S. Open

優勝 (ゆうしょう) victory

4カ月後 (よんかげつご) four months later

全豪 (ぜんごう) Australian (Open)

~でも also at~

世界を制覇(せいは)する to conquer the world

偉業 (いぎょう) feat

称賛(しょうさん)する to praise

日本 (にほん) Japan

~生(う)まれ to be born in~

ハイチ人(じん) Haitian

祖父母 (そふぼ) grandparents

米国(べいこく)で in the United States

育(そだ)てる to raise

一(ひと)つ one, single

アイデンティティー identity

決(き)める to decide

~に ... してほしい want~ to...

言(い)う to say

人 (ひと) person

いる to exist

彼女 (かのじょ) she

自分自身 (じぶんじしん) oneself

~であること being~

~に専念(せんねん)する to focus on~

正直 (しょうじき) honest

礼儀正(れいぎただ)しい polite

~ほど ... な人はいない No one does ... than~

グローバル化(か)する globalized

未来 (みらい) future

象徴(しょうちょう)する to represent

評価(ひょうか)する to acknowledge something's/someone's value

政治家 (せいじか) politician

芸術家 (げいじゅつか) artist

独自(どくじ)に in its own way

選出 (せんしゅつ) to select

Quick questions

1) 大坂なおみ選手はタイム誌が選ぶ100人の何部門で選ばれましたか。

2) クリス・エバートさんは誰ですか。

3) 大坂選手のアイデンティティーについて、クリス・エバートさんは何と言っていますか。


On the 17th, American magazine Time announced its annual "Time 100: The Most Influential People of 2019," with tennis player Naomi Osaka chosen for the "pioneers" category.

In the magazine, former star player Chris Evert's comments praise Osaka's feat as, "A little more than four months after claiming victory at the U.S. Open, Osaka conquers the world again at the Australian Open." Osaka was born in Japan but raised in the U.S. by her Haitian grandparents. Evert acknowledged, "Some people want her to embrace a single identity, but she's more concerned with (focused on) just being herself. No one represents our more globalized, multicultural future better than this honest, polite person."

Every year, the magazine makes its own selection of 100 people from among politicians, artists and others.


1) In which category was Naomi Osaka selected for Time's "100 Most Influential People in the World"?


The "pioneers" category.

2) Who is Chris Evert?


A former star tennis player.

3) What does Chris Evert say about Naomi Osaka's identity?


Some people want her to embrace a single identity, but she's more concerned with (focused on) just being herself.