Sample newspaper article



同園は「香」という漢字について「かわいらしいイメージで選んだ。中国側も呼びやすい名前だと言ってくれた」と説明。中国語の 辞書で「人気者」という意味があったのも 後押ししたという。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

東京都の小池百合子知事 (とうきょうとのこいけゆりこちじ) Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike

9月25日 (くがつにじゅうごにち) Sept. 25

都庁 (とちょう) Tokyo Metroplitan Government headquarters

記者会見 (きしゃかいけん) press conference

上野動物園 (うえのどうぶつこうえん) Ueno Zoological Gardens

赤ちゃん (あかちゃん) baby

雌 (めす) female

名前 (なまえ) name

香香 (しゃんしゃん) Xiang Xiang

決まった (きまった) was decided

正式に (せいしきに) officially

発表 (はっぴょう) announce

8点 (はってん) eight items

絞られた (しぼられた) narrowed down

候補 (こうほ) candidate

応募 (おうぼ) entry (in a competition)

最も多かった (もっともおおかった) had the most numbers

呼びやすく (よびやすく) easy to call out

今後 (こんご) from now on

述べた (のべた) said

母親 (ははおや) mother

12歳 (じゅうにさい)12 years old

そろって together

お目見え (おめみえ) make an appearance

生後半年 (せいごはんとし) six months from birth

迎える (むかえる) celebrate

12月 (じゅうにがつ) December

見込み (みこみ) likelihood

同園 (どうえん) the aforementioned zoo

香 (かおり、こう) Xiang

漢字 (かんじ) kanji

選んだ (えらんだ) chose

中国側 (ちゅうごくがわ) the Chinese side

言った (いった) said

説明 (せつめい) explain

辞書 (じしょ) dictionary

人気者 (にんきもの) popular figure

意味 (いみ) meaning

後押し (あとおし) boost

Quick questions

1) 名前の候補はいくつに絞られていましたか。

2) シャンシャンが一般に公開されるのはいつですか。

3) 「香」という漢字は中国語でどんな意味がありますか。


Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike held a press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government headquarters on Sept. 25 to announce that the new giant panda cub born at the Ueno Zoological Gardens in Tokyo's Taito Ward has officially been named Xiang Xiang. The name had the most number of entries among the list of names narrowed down to eight.

"The name is very easy to call out and cute. I hope you will all continue to love her," Koike said.

Xiang Xiang is expected to make her public debut with her mother, Shin Shin (12 years old), in December, when he reaches 6 months.

The zoo said that the kanji for "Xiang" "was chosen because of its cute image." It explained that "the Chinese side also said it was an easy name to call out."

The fact that one of the meanings for the kanji listed in Chinese dictionaries is "popular star" gave the name a boost in being chosen, the zoo said.


1) How many names were chosen as possible candidates before the final decision?


Eight names.

2) When will Xiang Xiang appear in front of the general public?


In December, when he becomes 6 months old.

3) What does the kanji for "Xiang" mean in Chinese?


A popular figure.