Sample newspaper article




温かい拍手が送られた。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

台風5号 (たいふうごごう) Typhoon Noru (typhoon No. 5, fifth typhoon of the season)

影響(えいきょう) effect

延期(えんき) postpone

第99回全国高校野球選手権大会 (だいきゅうじゅうきゅうかいぜんこくこうこうやきゅうせんしゅけんたいかい) the 99th National High School Baseball Championship

8月8日 (はちがつようか) Aug. 8

兵庫県西宮市 (ひょうごけんにしのみやし) Nishinomiya city, Hyogo Prefecture

甲子園球場 (こうしえんきゅうじょう) Koshien Stadium

開幕 (かいまく) open

雨上がり (あめあがり) after the rain

曇り空の下 (くもりぞらのした)

under a cloudy sky

午前9時 (ごぜんくじ) 9 a.m.

代表校 (だいひょうこう) representative school

開会式 (かいかいしき) opening ceremony

行われた (おこなわれた) took place

入場行進 (にゅうじょうこうしん) march-in

名護(なご) Nago (high school)


山下明弘主将 (やましたあきひろしゅしょう) captain Akihiro Yamashita

先導役 (せんどうやく) usher

務め (つとめ) serve as

昨年 (きょねん) last year

優勝校 (ゆうしょうこう) champion school

作新学院 (さくしんがくいん) Sakushin Gakuin

栃木 (とちぎ) Tochigi

先頭に (せんとうに) in front

北から南の順 (きたからみなみのじゅん) in the order from north to south

待ちわびた (まちわびた) waited eagerly

2万4千人 の観衆 (にまんよんせんにんの かんしゅう) crowd of 24,000 people

温かい拍手 (あたたかいはくしゅ) warm applause

送られた (おくられた) was sent

Quick questions

1) 甲子園の開幕が遅れたのはなぜですか。

2) 開会式の日の天気はどんなでしたか。

3) 最初に入場行進したのはどの高校でしたか。

4) 開会式にいた観客の数は何人でしたか。


After a day's delay due to the effects of Typhoon Noru, the 99th National High School Baseball Championship kicked off on Aug. 8 at Koshien Stadium in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture. With a cloudy sky after some heavy rain overlooking the venue, the opening ceremony consisting of 49 representative schools took place from 9 a.m.

Captain Akihiro Yamashita of Nago high school (Okinawa) lead the entrance procession, with last year's champion Saku Gakuin (Tochigi) coming into the stadium first, followed by schools in order from the north to the south.

A crowd of 24,000, who had waited eagerly for the kickoff, showered the players with warm applause.


1) Why was the Koshien kickoff delayed?


Because of Typhoon Noru.

2) What was the weather like on the day of the opening ceremony?


Cloudy skies (after the rain).

3) Which high school marched in first?


Sakushin Gakuin (from Tochigi Prefecture).

4) How big was the crowd at the opening ceremony?


Twenty-four thousand people.