


Japan 5-day Weather Forecast

Day Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Fukui Mainly cloudy

Mainly cloudy 14℃/-1℃

Abundant sunshine

Abundant sunshine 12℃/-2℃


Cloudy 10℃/3℃

Chilly with periods of rain

Chilly with periods of rain 7℃/3℃

Sunny intervals, showers around; chilly

Sunny intervals, showers around; chilly 9℃/-1℃

Tsuruga A morning shower; some sun, then clouds

A morning shower; some sun, then clouds 14℃/2℃

Brilliant sunshine

Brilliant sunshine 13℃/-1℃

Mostly cloudy

Mostly cloudy 11℃/6℃

Chilly with periods of rain

Chilly with periods of rain 8℃/5℃

Breezy; a little afternoon rain

Breezy; a little afternoon rain 10℃/1℃

Near by area


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly