Tag - yua-funato



Oct 19, 2019
Find new ways to end child abuse
The government's efforts to combat child abuse is showing mixed results at best despite the policy response to recent high-profile fatalities of young victims.
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2019
Two girls' deaths after alleged abuse expose shortcomings in Japan's child-protection services
The January death of 10-year-old Mia Kurihara in Chiba Prefecture, allegedly at the hands of her abusive father, shocked Japan after coming on the heels of a similar case involving a 5-year-old girl in Tokyo's Meguro Ward last year.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Dec 3, 2018
Japanese volunteers spring to action after fatal child abuse case
Five-year old Yua Funato was found unconscious at a Tokyo apartment in March, her feet severely frostbitten and her face and body covered with bruises that were inflicted by her 33-year-old stepfather. She was later pronounced dead at a hospital from pneumonia-induced sepsis caused by malnutrition.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2018
We can do more to help abused children
Japan's most precious asset is its children, yet estimated 350 of them die each year due to abuse.
Jul 31, 2018
Keep up efforts to effectively fight child abuse
The holes in the safety net designed to protect children from abuse at home must be closed.
Jul 24, 2018
Japan beefs up child welfare measures after 'soul-crushing' abuse death
The central government is taking emergency steps to boost the number of child welfare workers by 60 percent within five years, spurred by the death of a child whose handwritten notes seeking forgiveness from her abusive parents have shaken Japan.
Jun 8, 2018
What is lacking in the fight against child abuse?
Japan's efforts to stop child abuse are weak when compared with the systems in many Western countries.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly