Tag - yasukuni



Apr 17, 2013
Japan must re-learn its militarist past
Japan's conservative rulers will need a more capacious sense of history if they are to succeed in building new bridges with the country's Asian neighbors.
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 29, 2013
Abe reportedly won't visit controversial shrine for spring ceremony
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is not likely to visit Yasukuni Shrine during an important Shinto ceremony this spring but instead will dedicate a ritual implement to the controversial Tokyo shrine, which honors the nation's war dead, including Class-A war criminals, government sources indicated Friday.
Feb 16, 2013
Tojo's granddaughter, Yuko, dies at 73
Yuko Tojo, the granddaughter of executed Class-A war criminal Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, dies of interstitial pneumonia at age 73.
Jan 16, 2013
Rewriting history is unwise
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has appointed a Cabinet that, according to press reports, contains a number of ministers who want to rewrite the history of the 20th century. They, including the new minister of education, are reported as demanding the rescinding of the statement made in 1995 by former Prime...
Jun 8, 2005
Kono warns Koizumi about Yasukuni visits
House of Representatives Speaker Yohei Kono indirectly urged Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Tuesday to stop visiting Yasukuni Shrine, Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers said.


Hiroki Shimana pauses before entering a Shinjuku Ward apartment where the owner, a woman in her 80s, passed away alone. The door had been sealed with tape to prevent any odors from disturbing the neighbors.
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan