Tag - yasukuni



Aug 14, 2013
It's time Japan acted to end the war over Yasukuni Shrine
he only thing that Japan's modern reactionaries regret about World War II is defeat. Cabinet ministers show support for this idea when they visit Yasukuni Shrine.
Aug 10, 2013
Aso's Nazi gaffe tarnishes Abe's agenda for constitutional revision
The other night at my local sushi bar conversation turned to Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso's comments about constitutional revision — specifically, his suggestion there is something to be learned from the way the Nazis revised the Weimar Constitution in 1933.
Aug 5, 2013
For the sake of Japan's future, stop glorifying past crimes at Yasukuni
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, it hurts the victims of the Imperial Japanese military's war of terror that ministers of your government and members of parliament continue to visit Yasukuni Shrine.
Aug 3, 2013
Where's the love? Japanese feel unhappy, unloved and pessimistic
The results of a Pew Opinion survey released in July 2013 found that the public mood in Japan is improving but remains "mostly one of dissatisfaction." However, that dissatisfaction is 10 percent lower than the level registered in 2007 during Shinzo Abe's first spell as premier.
Jul 30, 2013
It's time for conservatives of Japan to get over the war
If conservatives renounced revisionist nationalism in favor of their inherited democracy, many outside of Japan could live with a more powerfully armed Japan.
Jul 20, 2013
Abe-power: Can premier deliver on promises and growth strategy?
Once the dust settles tonight, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party/New Komeito coalition will be in control of both houses of the Diet, promising an end to political gridlock.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 16, 2013
U.S. experts won't be drawn out on Japan P.M. shrine visit
Two prominent U.S. experts on Japan refused Tuesday to predict how the U.S. government would react if Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits Yasukuni Shrine next month, an act that would undoubtedly add further strain to already frayed relations with China and South Korea.
May 15, 2013
Nationalism will undermine Japan
The prime minister's remarks about Yasukuni Shrine as well as his attitude toward the nation's past 'aggression' threaten to undermine international trust in Japan.
May 1, 2013
Please, no more Yasukuni visits
For the White House to welcome Japan to the TPP talks and to tell China to back off on the Senkakus, while Japan's top leaders visit Yasukuni Shrine, is ridiculous.
Apr 28, 2013
Abe-history: Premier again seems set on stoking controversy and ire
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is no stranger to historical controversy. Back in 2001 he pressured national broadcaster NHK to revise a documentary about the judgment of an international people's tribunal regarding the war responsibility of Emperor Hirohito (posthumously known as Emperor Showa). And in 2007...
Apr 24, 2013
Record 168 lawmakers visit Yasukuni
A record 168 Diet members visit Tokyo's war-linked Yasukuni Shrine, following visits by three Cabinet ministers and offerings by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday.


Hiroki Shimana pauses before entering a Shinjuku Ward apartment where the owner, a woman in her 80s, passed away alone. The door had been sealed with tape to prevent any odors from disturbing the neighbors.
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan