Tag - xi-jinping



Japan Times
Dec 16, 2022
The unmasking of Xi
COVID-19 rules apply to China's masses but evidently not to so much to the country's powerful and elite.
Japan Times
Dec 10, 2022
China's Xi promotes Mideast security and energy ties at Saudi summits
Chinese President Xi Jinping has touted close security and energy ties with Gulf nations during summits in Saudi Arabia that have highlighted tensions with Washington.
Japan Times
Dec 9, 2022
Saudi Arabia signs Huawei deal, deepening China ties on Xi visit
King Salman signed a 'comprehensive strategic partnership agreement' with Xi, who received a lavish welcome in a country forging new global partnerships beyond the West.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Dec 8, 2022
Xi begins 'epoch-making' visit to Saudi Arabia as Riyadh chafes at U.S. censure
The White House said the Chinese leader's visit was an example of attempts to exert influence, and that this would not change U.S. policy toward the Middle East.
Japan Times
Dec 7, 2022
China snuffs out worst protests in years as U.S. just watches
It is almost unheard of for protesters to target the country's leader, including Xi Jinping. Such actions carry a high level of personal risk and virtually no chance of success.
Japan Times
Dec 6, 2022
Xi hails Jiang Zemin as leader who stood up to West after Tiananmen crackdown
Saying Jiang made the 'correct decision” to crush the protesters in 1989, Xi's remarks served as a warning in light of recent challenges to 'zero-COVID' policies.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2022
With visit by China's Xi, Saudi prince seeks Mideast leadership and independence
The meeting comes at a delicate moment in U.S.-Saudi ties and signals Riyadh's resolve to navigate a polarized global order regardless of the wishes of its Western allies, analysts say.
Japan Times
Dec 4, 2022
Inside China's fight over the future of 'COVID zero'
Opinions about the policy vary wildly, illustrating the difficulties leader Xi Jinping faces in relaxing the world's most rigid rules while heading off national discontent.
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Science & Health
Dec 3, 2022
Beijing and Shenzhen loosen more COVID-19 curbs as China fine-tunes policy
Although daily cases are hovering near all-time highs, some cities are taking steps to loosen COVID-19 testing requirements and quarantine rules.
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2022
U.S. diplomat says China protests had effect in easing COVID-19 curbs
Protests in China against the world's toughest COVID-19 restrictions are dying down because they have had an effect, a top U.S. diplomat said Friday.
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2022
Jiang Zemin death injects uncertainty for Xi at fraught time in China
Jiang's death at the age of 96 comes days after people took to the streets to challenge virus curbs in China's most widespread protests in decades.
Japan Times
Dec 1, 2022
Only hard options: How China could navigate its way out of 'COVID-zero'
Beijing recognizes the damaging impact of quarantines and lockdowns, but it also understands that ceasing efforts to contain the virus would rapidly overwhelm the health care system.
Japan Times
Dec 1, 2022
For China’s leader, another dilemma: How to mourn Jiang Zemin
Paying tribute to Jiang while preventing him from becoming a symbolic cudgel against the current regime will be a challenge for Xi Jinping in the coming weeks
Japan Times
Nov 30, 2022
Are China’s ‘COVID-zero’ protests a game changer?
Xi Jinping's unwillingness thus far to adjust coronavirus containment measures could have grave consequences for the ruling Chinese Communist Party.
Japan Times
Nov 29, 2022
No easy exit for China from 'COVID zero'
With protests erupting across China, the government is under pressure to exit from its costly 'COVID-zero' strategy — a process that is likely to take some time.
Japan Times
Nov 29, 2022
Chinese authorities seek out 'COVID-zero' protesters
Chinese authorities have begun inquiries into some of the people who gathered at weekend protests against COVID-19 curbs, as police remained out in numbers on the city's streets.
Japan Times
Nov 29, 2022
U.S. watching China protests ‘closely’ after Biden and Xi agreed to thaw ties
Washington has not directly criticized the Chinese government for its handling of the protests, which Beijing has sought to suppress with a massive deployment of police across the country.
Japan Times
Nov 29, 2022
A protest? A vigil? In Beijing, anxious crowds are unsure how far to go.
In a country where protests are swiftly quashed, many who gathered to voice their discontent — under the watchful eye of the police — were uncertain about how far to go.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2022
'COVID zero' unrest presents biggest domestic challenge yet for China's Xi
Driven by the excessiveness of the anti-COVID measures, experts say the rapid and organic spread of protests could represent one of the toughest tests for Beijing in recent years.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?