Tag - wartime-labor



Dec 26, 2019
Follow up on the Abe-Moon talks to restore ties
Both Japan and South Korea need to make every effort to get the bilateral relationship back on an even keel.
Dec 18, 2019
Bill on Japanese wartime labor fund submitted to South Korea parliament
South Korean parliamentarians Wednesday submitted a bill to invite donations from Japanese and South Korean companies and the public to provide funds for compensation over Japanese wartime labor.
Japan Times
Dec 2, 2019
Proposed Korean wartime labor foundation said unlikely to cover 'comfort women'
A foundation proposed by South Korean National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang to pay consolation money to Koreans who worked for Japanese companies during the war is unlikely to cover the former "comfort women," Yonhap news agency reported.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 2, 2019
Top Japanese and South Korean diplomats likely to discuss wartime labor issue at Madrid meet
Top South Korean and Japanese diplomats will likely meet on the sidelines of a gathering of Asian and European foreign ministers later this month to discuss a resolution to a yearlong dispute, Yonhap news agency reported.
Japan Times
Nov 27, 2019
South Korea drafts bill for foundation to resolve wartime labor issue with Japan: media report
South Korean National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang has drafted a bill to set up a foundation to settle the current wartime labor dispute with Japan, Yonhap news said.
Japan Times
Nov 26, 2019
Japan denies floating one-month time frame for ending South Korea export controls
The denial marks the latest tit-for-tat between Tokyo and Seoul following years of bickering and finger-pointing amid sour bilateral relations.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 25, 2019
Japan-South Korea friction flares again after GSOMIA intel pact rescue
Japan and South Korea take fresh swipes at one another, raising questions about whether relations between the U.S. allies will improve after reaching a last-minute deal to rescue an expiring intelligence-sharing pact.
Japan Times
Nov 23, 2019
GSOMIA lives, but what's next for Japan and South Korea ties?
After South Korea's surprise announcement to remain a party to a key intelligence-sharing pact with Japan, wartime labor, the issue at the heart of strained bilateral ties, remains far from being resolved.
Japan Times
Nov 18, 2019
Japan's 'bark worse than its bite' in trade spat with South Korea, Citigroup says
Japan's tightening of export controls on South Korea have so far been a case of "the bark was worse than the bite," with only limited fallout for South Korea's economy, according to Citigroup Inc.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Nov 13, 2019
Japan and South Korea still in game of chicken after superficial signs of detente
A handout photo of the two countries' leaders, taken on the sidelines of an ASEAN meeting, has become another source of controversy in the ongoing quarrel between Tokyo and Seoul.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 9, 2019
South Korea reiterates intent to end GSOMIA intel-sharing pact with Japan as planned
In a symbolic deal between two major U.S. allies in northeast Asia, South Korean officials confirm plans Seoul will terminate a military intelligence-sharing pact with Japan.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?