Tag - warming



Mar 17, 2014
Flood damage to triple by end of century: study
The annual cost of damage caused by flooding in Japan is estimated to triple by the end of this century to ¥680 billion due to global warming, a government research team said Monday.
Feb 28, 2014
Warming or not, this is the best climate for liberals
Bleak judgments about stimulus spending in the U.S. miss the main point of it, which was to funnel a substantial share of the money to unionized, dues-paying, Democratic-voting government employees. In this way, the stimulus succeeded.
Feb 4, 2014
Climate-change skeptics have free-speech rights
One could find himself tugged in two directions by the latest ruling in the defamation suit filed by climatologist Michael Mann, who has long been an object of ire among climate-change skeptics. Now it seems the skeptics have let their ire get out of hand.
Jan 13, 2014
Warring dogmas block climate-change progress
National debates over environmental issues are sometimes derailed by two kinds of extremists: eco-doomsayers and techno-optimists. Noisy, headline-grabbing dogmas are an impediment to progress.
Nov 29, 2013
Reducing Japan's emissions
The upshot for Japan from the just-ended Warsaw conference on climate changes is that it must come up with a new longer-term emissions reduction plan within 16 months.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Nov 24, 2013
UNEP chief urges Japan to stay in fight
The chief of the U.N. Environment Program urged Japan to keep playing a leadership role in the fight against global warming, although it faces a challenge caused by Fukushima nuclear disaster, which left most of its atomic plants offline.
Nov 22, 2013
Climate change as a form of terrorism
The typhoon in the Philippines is a useful reminder that we need to think more about what can be done, both on climate mitigation and on disaster preparation.
Nov 19, 2013
A pragmatic way to reduce emissions
A carbon tax could not only cut emissions but also reduce budget deficits and enhance energy security.
Japan Times
Nov 18, 2013
New climate goal opaque, product of ministry clash
The process of setting a new goal on reducing greenhouse gas emissions was marred by a standoff between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Environment Ministry.
Japan Times
Oct 10, 2013
Earth's climate change tipping point to start in 2020, new model predicts
Locations around the globe will soon reach climatic tipping points, with some in tropical regions — home to most of the world's biodiversity — feeling the first impacts of unprecedented eras of elevated temperatures as soon as seven years from now, according to a study released Wednesday.
Oct 6, 2013
Japan must go green
In releasing the first part of its fifth assessment report on Sept. 27, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that temperatures are likely to rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius and sea levels could rise by 26 to 82 cm by the end of the 21st century compared with the latest 20 years.
Sep 9, 2013
Could man-made clouds help lower the planet's temperature?
With the planet warming inexorably, some experts are wondering whether the time may have come to deliberately attempt 'solar radiation management.
Aug 27, 2013
Polar bear's death is a warning
Does the death of a single polar bear, which starved on the Arctic tundra, carry a warning for all human beings
Aug 18, 2013
Interest in climate change ebbs
It's puzzling why so few arguments have been made in Japan this summer to link the heat waves and local cloudbursts to global warming and climate change.
Aug 1, 2013
Beautiful but wasted Earth
Most people are too preoccupied with the business of keeping a job and remaining healthy even to think about the grand problems of the survival of planet Earth.
Jul 16, 2013
Do unto Exxon as you would do unto yourself
Last week's resolution on climate change by the General Synod of the United Church of Christ has garnered mostly admiring attention from the news media. But I must admit to a degree of perplexity and sorrow over the document, which seems to place the blame for our heavy use of fossil fuels on the companies...
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2013
Global threat to food supply as water wells dry up
Wells are drying up and underwater tables falling so fast in the Middle East and parts of India, China and the United States that food supplies are seriously threatened, one of the world's leading resource analysts warned on July 7.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2013
Fracking battle lines drawn in England's countryside
For a site symbolizing a future that will either poison our countryside or bring us unlimited amounts of cheap, pollution-free energy, Elswick, in northeast England, is a distinctly underwhelming destination for a visit. The gas-power station, owned by the U.K. drilling company Cuadrilla, lies in the...
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2013
'Wind farms are not the answer to our problems'
Why do you think scientists and politicians have been slow and reluctant to confront population growth? It might be useful to first distinguish between growth and behavior. The problem is less the current number of us in itself (yet) but more the way the majority of the 7 billion of us live and consume....
Jul 3, 2013
U.S. makes key climate moves, but more needed
President Barack Obama's executive actions to cut carbon pollution in the U.S. have injected a new sense of hope in the global fight against climate change.


Akiko Trush says her experience with the neurological disorder dystonia left her feeling like she wanted to chop her own hand off.
The neurological disorder that 'kills culture'