Tag - war



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 22, 2014
Syria calls presidential vote for June; opponents slam plan as a 'parody of democracy'
Syria announced Monday a presidential election for June 3, preparing the ground for President Bashar Assad to defy widespread opposition and extend his grip on power, days after he said the civil war is turning in his favor.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Apr 19, 2014
Dresden cashes in on German unification
American novelist Kurt Vonnegut, a prisoner of war in Dresden during World War II, has a scene in "Slaughterhouse Five" where time-traveling hero Billy Pilgrim sees the city's firebombing in reverse, with phosphorous bombs sucked back into warplanes.
Japan Times
Apr 17, 2014
Tortured POW meets his Japanese tormentor
"He is most interested in having contact with you for he has lived with many unanswered questions all these years, questions to which perhaps only you can help him to find the answers." So wrote Patricia Lomax in a letter sent from her home in England to Takashi Nagase, who at the time lived in Okayama...
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2014
In Assad's coastal heartland, Syrian conflict creeps closer
For three years, residents of Syria's Mediterranean provinces have watched from their coastal sanctuary as civil war raging further inland tore the country apart, killing tens of thousands of people and devastating historic cities.
Apr 6, 2014
Don't let Cold War warriors reboot their dated thinking
The hundred think tanks that bloomed, and the thousands of mediocre academics and pseudo-experts who found easy employment in the universities and the media, feel obliged to make themselves relevant and important again after Russian President Vladimir Putin's land grab. Don't let them reboot the Cold War.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Apr 5, 2014
Organ-harvesting claims to EU court
Plans are underway for a European Union-backed special tribunal to try Kosovo Albanian former guerrillas accused of harvesting organs from murdered Serbs during the Balkan country's 1998-99 war, officials say.
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2014
Syria forces accused of new poison gas attack in capital
Opposition activists again accused President Bashar Assad's forces of using poison gas in Syria's civil war on Thursday, showing footage of an apparently unconscious man lying on a bed and being treated by medics.
Apr 1, 2014
An Afghan 'Afghanistan'?
As it braces for its upcoming presidential election, can Afghanistan finally escape the cycle of militancy and foreign intervention that has plagued it for more than three decades?
Japan Times
Mar 31, 2014
War memorials as varied as public's views
The controversial Yasukuni Shrine, a source of perennial tension between Japan and its East Asian neighbors, and the Peace Parks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are well-known in and out of Japan as the country's representative war memorials, drawing millions of visitors each year.
Mar 28, 2014
Children bear the brunt of Syria's bloody war
Syria's war has taken a terrible toll on the nation's children, leaving at least 10,000 dead and at lest 4.3 million in urgent need of health and humanitarian assistance.
JAPAN / History
Mar 22, 2014
The sloughing of Japan's corporate skin goes on
"Man is born free and is everywhere in chains."
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2014
War crimes evidence in Syria solid enough for indictment: U.N.
U.N. investigators said Tuesday they had expanded their list of suspected war criminals from both sides in Syria's civil war and the evidence was solid enough to prepare any indictment.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2014
Ailing U.S. veteran wins payout over Agent Orange exposure in Okinawa
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has granted compensation to another former service member for exposure to Agent Orange while stationed in Okinawa during the Vietnam War era, despite U.S. denials that the defoliant was ever present there.
Japan Times
Mar 11, 2014
Despite ongoing civil war, Assad readies for election
After three years of grinding conflict, the destruction of whole city districts and an exodus of refugees all triggered by an uprising against his rule, President Bashar Assad is quietly preparing to be re-elected.
Japan Times
Mar 9, 2014
New map shines light on Tokyo air raid horrors
In an attempt to preserve people's fading memories of the World War II air raids on Tokyo, scholars and citizens have drawn up what is considered the most comprehensive map so far of their efforts to escape from U.S. bombs.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks