Tag - war



Apr 17, 2013
Japan must re-learn its militarist past
Japan's conservative rulers will need a more capacious sense of history if they are to succeed in building new bridges with the country's Asian neighbors.
Apr 10, 2013
Why a Syrian no-fly zone is the right thing to do
Detractors of a Syrian no-fly zone miss the point. Its purpose would not be to resolve the conflict but to prevent escalation and provide leverage to talks.
Apr 10, 2013
Five myths about the Iraq war
That the war changed Iraq into a stable and peaceful democracy is a myth. It has been left a broken and dysfunctional country. The big winner is Iran.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 9, 2013
Key moments that left mark on U.S.
Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister, held the office for more than 11 years, including during the entire 1980s. In that time, she left a major mark on U.S. politics, mainly through her close relationship with President Ronald Reagan.
Japan Times
Apr 7, 2013
Doomsday Clock designer Langsdorf dies at 96
Martyl Langsdorf, the artist who designed the Doomsday Clock, dies in Illinois at the age of 96.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Apr 6, 2013
One man's crusade against America's war on drugs
Once consigned to the fringes of libertarianism, the argument for the legalization of drugs has received an unlikely boost in America in recent months with the release of a documentary titled "The House I Live In." Coinciding with the decision by the states of Colorado and Washington to legalise marijuana,...
Apr 3, 2013
War with China is not inevitable, so tread carefully
America's path plus China's immature ambitions threaten Japan's future. Japanese constitutional change would just add to uncertainty in the region.
Apr 1, 2013
A dying veteran's assessment of the Iraq War
A letter from a dying U.S. Army veteran to former President George W. Bush delivers a damning assessment of the consequences of the Iraq War.
Mar 29, 2013
Looking back at Iraq
Ten years after the U.S. invaded Iraq, there are still no answers to why Washington thought it could march the country to war without paying for it.
Mar 27, 2013
Lessons from the Iraq War are there for the heeding
Do Obama policymakers really know the economic consequences of beginning military operations in Iran or supplying weapons to Syria's opposition
Mar 25, 2013
Did success have a prayer in Iraq?
It is possible the invasion of Iraq was a mistake that might have still been executed much more effectively for a much better outcome after 10 years.
Japan Times
Mar 21, 2013
A decade after U.S. invasion, Iraq torn between progress and chaos
Ten years after the United States barreled into Iraq with extraordinary force and a perilous lack of foresight, the country is neither the failed state that seemed all but inevitable during the darkest days of the war nor the model democracy the Americans set out to build.
Mar 21, 2013
The disenchantment of Iraq
Iraq is better off without Saddam Hussein, but if economic resconstruction and the establishment of democracy are considered, the Iraq war failed.
Mar 20, 2013
Debunking five myths about Iraq
Today a new set of beliefs defines many discussions about the war in Iraq and its aftermath. Are they just as wrong as the 2003 prewar rhetoric
Mar 15, 2013
Leaders we can trust again
Leaders with a compelling vision whom we can trust again could turn back the tide of public cynicism in democratic governance. But where are they
Mar 1, 2013
Today's take on Stalingrad


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks