Tag - vote-disparity



JAPAN / Politics
Feb 19, 2016
Abe eschews further delays, vows to cut 10 Lower House seats in line with census
The prime minister pledges to slash 10 seats in the Diet's House of Representatives sooner than his LDP party has proposed.
Dec 28, 2015
Time for serious electoral reform
Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers from rural areas are already gearing up to fight much-needed electoral reform to reduce the vote disparity between rural and urban areas.
Nov 27, 2015
Time to fix the vote-value disparity
Lawmakers have dallied long enough: Chastised again by the Supreme Court, it's time they got down to business and resolved the disparity in vote values between districts.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Nov 25, 2015
Supreme Court says December election 'in state of unconstitutionality,' but won't nullify results
The top court decides that the last Lower House election was borderline unconstitutional due to the high level of vote-value disparities among constituencies.
May 27, 2015
Stop dragging feet on vote disparity
Political parties, especially the ruling LDP, are taking far too long to solve the deplorable disparity in the value of votes among electoral districts.
Japan Times
Dec 1, 2014
Campaigns under way but outcome no surprise
Two weeks after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's decision to dissolve the Lower House and call a snap election, campaigning has officially kicked off with more than 1,000 candidates vying for the 475 seats in the Diet's lower chamber.
Nov 28, 2014
Foot-dragging on vote-disparity fix
The parties and lawmakers need to set aside their own interests and bring the gap in the value of votes within constitutionally acceptable levels.
Mar 18, 2014
Overhaul the electoral systems
Diet members need to set their sights on overhauling the electoral systems for both houses before the next national election and explore what kinds of systems would better suit the different roles of each chamber.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2014
Three cases, three paths to legitimacy for Supreme Court
When I began studying Japanese, one of my goals was to be able to read the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan's version of The Wall Street Journal. Achieving that goal, however, meant realizing that it is possibly The Most Boring Newspaper on Earth.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?