Tag - us-military



Japan Times
Mar 4, 2013
Politicians hit lethal U.S. aid for new Egypt
Concerned about Egypt's political instability and the U.S. budget crunch, a growing number of American lawmakers are challenging the wisdom of providing $1.3 billion a year in military aid to Cairo, arguing that the policy is overdue for a wholesale review.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2013
Killer robots must be stopped, say campaigners
A new global campaign to persuade nations to ban "killer robots" before they reach the production stage is to be launched in the United Kingdom by a group of academics, pressure groups and Nobel peace prize laureates.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 27, 2013
Hagel lands defense post but fails to win over opponents
Chuck Hagel is set to be sworn in as U.S. defense secretary, battered by a confirmation fight even as he faces challenges from Pentagon budget cuts to withdrawing U.S. forces from Afghanistan.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2013
Mexican police, soldiers tied to disappearances
Describing what it called "the most severe crisis of enforced disappearances in Latin America in decades," the U.S. organization Human Rights Watch issued a new report Wednesday with grim implications for the thousands of Mexican civilians who have gone missing in the country's shadowy drug fight.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2013
Armed drones stir debate in pacifist Germany
The debate over the legality of drone warfare is stretching from Capitol Hill into the shadow of the Brandenburg Gate, as Germany considers purchasing armed drones for the first time.
WORLD / Politics
Feb 8, 2013
Lawmakers to get access to drone war rules
Washington AFP-JIJI
Japan Times
Feb 4, 2013
Navy SEAL author of 'American Sniper' shot dead
He said he killed 160 people, perhaps many more, making him one of the leading U.S. military snipers of all time. In the course of four combat deployments to Iraq, he said insurgents nicknamed him "the devil of Ramadi" and placed a $20,000 bounty on his head.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 4, 2013
Under fire
The video would be viewed more than 23 million times, making it perhaps the most watched footage of the Afghan war. It began last April when U.S. Army Pfc. Ted Daniels pressed the record button on his helmet camera.
Jan 28, 2013
Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force
The Pentagon has approved a major expansion of its cybersecurity force over the next several years, more than quadrupling its size to bolster the nation's ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer operations against foreign adversaries, according to U.S. officials.
Japan Times
Nov 24, 2012
Scholar tries to ease Okinawa's U.S. pains
Three years ago, Robert Eldridge gave up his associate professorship at Osaka University to work on behalf of the U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa. He said he thought he could make bigger contributions to U.S.-Japan relations in the prefecture than by teaching about the U.S.-Japan alliance to students at...
Nov 7, 2012
Beijing's Senkaku goal: Sub 'safe haven' in South China Sea
What's at stake in the smoldering diplomatic crisis with China over the uninhabited Senkaku Islands, which only seem to attract fishing boats and ultranationalists?
Reader Mail
Jun 19, 2011
Opinion article at war with itself
In his June 14 article, "Japan gropes for leadership," Kazuo Ogoura writes in tautologies and paradoxes. He asserts that Japan has built a "safe and efficient society" by concentrating on safety and efficiency, yet he insists that this effort has left Japan, "vulnerable to natural and human disasters,"...
May 11, 2011
Britain's adversity to A.V.
Britain's rejection of a new electoral system in last Thursday's referendum comes as no surprise. Nor does the predictably low turnout of 42 percent. Alternative Vote (A.V.), the system proposed to replace the First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) method of electing ministers of Parliament (MPs) to Westminster,...
Japan Times
Jun 13, 2010
Beneath the Battle of Okinawa
In 1966, Dave Davenport was a mystery to his fellow U.S. Air Force clerks on Okinawa. Whereas they would dress up in their finest threads and make for the clubs of Koza in their free time, Davenport would don the oldest clothes he owned and jump on a local bus heading into the middle of nowhere.
Reader Mail
Apr 3, 2008
At the pleasure of the citizens
In his March 16 letter, "Homogeneity no excuse for profiling," Nick Wood claims that by virtue of his re-entry visa, he has just as much "right" to enter Japan as Japanese citizens, and as such, fingerprinting should be applied to "all" or "none at all."


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties