Tag - us-constitution



JAPAN / Politics
May 20, 2015
SDF will only be deployed to 'safe' places, Abe says
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rebuffed criticism on Wednesday that the government's contentious security legislation would put Self-Defense Forces personnel at greater risk, saying they would provide logistics support in areas that are safe.
Japan Times
May 16, 2015
MacArthur's JapaneseConstitution
The Constitution is one of the more controversial documents of our age. Some want it rewritten, some hold it as an inviolable sacred text. Article 9 — the article renouncing war — has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants it abolished. Yet for all the column inches...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 15, 2015
Peace or war? Diet plays security bill name game
The government says two safely named security bills endorsed by the Cabinet are for “peace,” but the titles aren't flying with everyone.
May 15, 2015
Defense bills remain problematic
The Abe administration's legislative package to expand the SDF's role finally reaches the Diet — but still remains poorly explained.
Japan Times
May 15, 2015
Experts split on proposed SDF reforms; poll suggests public wary
Two noted experts interviewed by The Japan Times have contrasting views of Prime Minister Abe's ambitions to alter Japan's postwar security posture.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 14, 2015
Abe: Japan won't slide into U.S. war despite collective defense loophole
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tried to brush off concerns Thursday that Japan could be dragged into a war involving the United States, saying the government's security legislation allows the Self-Defense Forces to address every situation in a seamless manner to protect Japanese citizens.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 11, 2015
LDP produces manga to make case for constitutional revision
The Liberal Democratic Party has published a new manga targeted at younger voters that argues the pacifist Constitution should be revised because it was hastily written in just eight days — by foreigners.
May 8, 2015
Honor the current Constitution
Amid the current effort to rewrite the Constitution, Japan should remember how well it has served the nation these past seven decades.
Japan Times
May 8, 2015
We need to talk about Abe
Shinzo Abe is bent on making Japan a 'normal' country, but has he thought out the consequences of elevating the SDF to a full-fledged military?
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 7, 2015
LDP seeks all-party talks on revising pacifist Constitution
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party called Thursday for all-party talks on revising the Constitution in areas they can agree upon, in an apparent bid to lower the bar for a first-ever revision of the U.S.-drafted charter.
Japan Times
May 4, 2015
18 looms as new age of majority
Japan's youth will finally get a chance to have their voices heard in politics.
Japan Times
May 3, 2015
Activists battle to justify, denounce Constitution
As the conservative LDP forges ahead with its bid to revise the national charter, activists rally on Constitution Day to press both sides of the debate.
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 28, 2015
LDP aims to revise Constitution by 2017
A key member of the Liberal Democratic Party said Tuesday he wants the party to achieve its long-held goal of revising the Constitution within the next two years, arguing the 68-year-old charter should be updated to adapt to a changing domestic and international environment.
Japan Times
Apr 20, 2015
Abe breaking arms taboo with Japan's first defense trade show
Japan will host its first international defense trade show next month as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe elbows the pacifist Constitution aside to tap the lucrative arms industry.
Apr 3, 2015
Keep a close eye on Abe's words
Given Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's moves to undermine cherished constitutional principles, citizens must pay close attention to his words.
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 20, 2015
Coalition takes major step toward loosening SDF rules
The ruling coalition reaches a formal deal on security legislation, bringing the Abe administration one step closer to expanding the role Japan's military can constitutionally play overseas.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?