Tag - us-china-relations



Japan Times
Sep 1, 2019
U.S.-China spat is more than just a trade war
US President Donald Trump's trade war with China is driven at least as much by anxiety over China's rise as by economic rationality. That kind of insecurity can have disastrous consequences.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2019
Every U.S. president since Reagan was wrong about China
For decades U.S. politicians and analysts told us economic growth in China would spur liberalism. Denying that fact could lead to more big mistakes.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2019
A new Cold War liberalism?
As cold war rhetoric escalates, progressive critics of China must find an independent voice.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 13, 2019
Trump 'frustrated' with lack of Japan trade deal, Ambassador William Hagerty says
Touching on the Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi in February, Hagerty argued it was “not a failure, as some have portrayed it.”
May 29, 2019
The high cost of the U.S.-China confrontation
Japan must not underestimate the cost that the U.S.-China confrontation could bring.
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2019
Trump trade truce removes a cloud over global economy — for now
U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to extend the deadline for increasing tariffs on Chinese goods defuses one of the biggest risks hanging over global trade, investment and sentiment.
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2019
Why a U.S.-China trade deal is not enough
The trade war is a manifestation of the strategic competition between the two powers.
Japan Times
Feb 5, 2019
Will the Japan-China reset continue?
The thaw seems increasingly like the calm before the storm.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jan 10, 2019
Time for a reality check on trade as Asia stock rally fades
Sure, the trade war between the U.S. and China seems to be easing. But, with few details available after three days of midlevel talks, other than the promise of more talks, equity investors are taking a pause.
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2018
Trump deserves some credit for a truce with China
At least the two sides are talking instead of sweeping everything under the rug.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2018
The end of America's China fantasy
Over the last couple of years, the China-policy debate in the US has begun to reflect more realism, with a growing number of voices recognizing China's ambition to supplant its American benefactor as the leading global superpower. But is it too late to rein in America's main geopolitical rival?
Japan Times
Oct 19, 2018
Current U.S.-China frictions do not amount to a new 'cold war': ex-Australian PM Kevin Rudd
As tensions ratchet up between the U.S. and China over trade and security issues, many major news organizations around the globe have given a platform to commentators trumpeting the arrival of a new "cold war" between the world's two largest economic superpowers.
Sep 29, 2018
The restructuring of the world
The global economy is undergoing a far-reaching transformation.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2018
A U.S.-China 'Plaza Accord'?
It seems highly likely that the current trade dispute between the U.S. and China will develop into a fierce conflict over currency and high-tech industries.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2018
As U.S. readies to slap more tariffs on China, no end in sight for trade tensions
With U.S. President Donald Trump gearing up to impose tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods and Beijing certain to retaliate against any such measures, the world's two biggest economies are locked in an escalating trade war, with no resolution in sight.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2018
Beijing needs to understand one thing about Trump
The U.S. president is voicing a widely held resentment about China's double-dealing economic policy.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2018
Who is making China great again?
Yet again, a leader in Beijing is trying to make China great.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2018
U.S. losing the trade war
The Trump administration is hurting its chances in a dispute with China by angering America's traditional trading allies.


Wozme, founded by dancer and choreographer Wakaba Kohei, is composed of Kana Kitty, Ami Ishii, Akane Watanabe and Natsuki. Its aim is to inject elegance and beauty, traits traditionally associated with femininity, into the sometimes grotesque art form of butoh dance.
Wozme, an all-women dance troupe, wants to move the needle in butoh