Tag - us-china-relations



Japan Times
Oct 1, 2021
Will Japan’s China policy change under Kishida’s leadership?
Whether Kishida is Abe's puppet or not, what he should do or can do in his foreign policy will be defined by the geostrategic reality in the Indo-Pacific region.
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2021
U.S.-China talks: Salvaging a relationship
The slogan when U.S.-China relations were first restored was “Friendship first, competition second.” Now, no one speaks about friendship. It is competition first, last and in between.
Japan Times
Aug 3, 2021
Hong Kong’s fate spurs Japan to speak up about defending Taiwan
A more supportive policy toward Taipei is emblematic of a broader shift by Tokyo in response to China's crackdown on Hong Kong and increased military activities in the Taiwan Strait.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2021
Xi opens a Pandora's box with antagonism of India
Chinese aggression and the breaching of border agreements has made the rise of a more antagonistic and militarily stronger India a certainty.
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2021
The U.S.-China downward spiral will only get worse
Beijing is dismayed that the Biden administration has not softened Donald Trump's hard-line China policies and continues to hold it accountable for its misdeeds.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2021
An outside look at the Chinese Communist Party's 100th birthday
President Xi Jinping's speech marking the 100-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party was never going to win the hearts and minds of China's neighbors — including Japan's media.
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2021
Coronavirus and China’s geopolitical rollercoaster
It seemed for a time that the pandemic could mark a moment of ascendancy in the “psychological balance of power” as China moved to supplant America's leadership role.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2021
Mr. Xi, policies are more important than narratives
While Chinese culture is laudable, culture does not equate to policy and will not guarantee that others will automatically respect your government.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / Japan / Geoeconomic Briefing
May 25, 2021
How Japan can avoid losing out on the world stage
Tokyo must learn from its history of making bad decisions and being slow to deal with postwar crises.
Japan Times
May 23, 2021
What explains America’s antagonism toward China?
In the last few years, the view of China as a strategic rival has taken over the American political mainstream, with leaders largely choosing confrontation over cooperation.
Japan Times
May 19, 2021
Biden’s foreign policy needs a course correction
It will be very difficult for the U.S. to collaborate with China and Russia on virtually any issue if U.S. grand strategy focuses on taking down illiberal powers.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / Japan / Geoeconomic Briefing
May 18, 2021
Managing the U.S. and China: Japan’s best way forward
Tokyo must be wary of Beijing's attempts to split the Japan-U.S. alliance, and must work to persuade Washington of the best approach to conflict.
Japan Times
May 13, 2021
The limits to U.S.-China climate cooperation
The best we can hope for is that the two superpowers are disciplined enough to avoid endangering humanity's survival as they jostle for geopolitical advantage.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / Japan / Geoeconomic Briefing
May 11, 2021
What the evolving international order means for Japan
As tensions in the Asia-Pacific region increase, the ties between Tokyo, Washington and Beijing continue to change.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / World / Geoeconomic Briefing
Apr 6, 2021
China’s ambiguous coast guard law a challenge for Japan
All eyes are on Japan's response as legislation lets organization function as both maritime law enforcement and military agency.
Japan Times
COMMENTARY / World / Geoeconomic Briefing
Sep 27, 2020
Establishing resistance to overseas influence
With Beijing seeking to build power in other countries, Tokyo must get wise, without turning to anti-China sentiment.
Japan Times
Aug 28, 2020
U.S.-China confrontation not a replay of the Cold War
Japan's only path is to uphold the security alliance with the U.S. while keeping relations with China as friendly as possible in order to make money.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2020
‘Collective resilience’ is the way to address China challenge
China has been quick to use its rising economic strength to punish countries that defy it.
Japan Times
Aug 11, 2020
Chinese influence operations struggle for traction in Japan
There is little evidence that China has tried to impact debate in Japan as it has done in other countries.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2020
TikTok sparks national security concerns
Banning the app makes some sense but also risks promoting the internet censorship and segregation traditionally associated with authoritarian governments.


Wozme, founded by dancer and choreographer Wakaba Kohei, is composed of Kana Kitty, Ami Ishii, Akane Watanabe and Natsuki. Its aim is to inject elegance and beauty, traits traditionally associated with femininity, into the sometimes grotesque art form of butoh dance.
Wozme, an all-women dance troupe, wants to move the needle in butoh