Tag - united-states



Jan 10, 2014
Give Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize
Since the Nobel Peace Prize committee has shown a consistent bias in choosing people who feed self-righteous Western prejudices, it would have a chance to distinguish itself by going the other way if it gave the next peace award to Edward Snowden.
Jan 7, 2014
Time to relegate 'moral laws' to history's dustbin
Nothing lasts forever — especially in the U.S. with its 50 percent divorce rate — and it's clear that same-sex marriage will eventually be the law of the land.
Dec 27, 2013
America's one-sided application of diplomatic law
The entire Indian foreign service bureaucracy has been antagonized by the arrest and search of a colleague in New York. As U.S. relative power wanes, is diplomatic trust worth breaking with a growing number of friends and allies?
Dec 27, 2013
Putin outflanking the West
In 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin made U.S. President Barack Obama look like a conman's stooge — a lame duck president so weak that he can barely waddle to the pond.
Dec 23, 2013
Do international rules apply only to weaker countries?
China's Nov. 23 declaration of an air defense identification zone extending to territories it does not control and America's Dec. 12 arrest, strip-search and handcuffing of a New York-based Indian woman diplomat epitomize these powers' unilateralist tendencies, demonstrating that universal conformity to a rules-based international order still seems distant,
Dec 20, 2013
Diplomat's arrest sparks clash of political cultures
The escalating diplomatic spat between India and the U.S. over the treatment of an Indian deputy consul-general who was arrested in New York highlights a clash of pathologies of two political cultures.
Dec 10, 2013
Karzai balks on a deal
Afghan President Hamid Karzai is playing a dangerous game. His term in office expires next April, yet he is balking on a security deal with the U.S. to try to preserve his political leverage.
Dec 10, 2013
An opportunity for America in China's overreach
Recent Chinese posturing in the East China Sea makes the U.S. pivot to Asia only more welcome. If Washington responds shrewdly, Beijing stands to lose the longer-term contest for leadership.
Dec 6, 2013
U.S. aims to mend fences with Iran, critics notwithstanding
It's not only most Israelis, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the policy-community hawks in Washington and acolytes of AIPAC in the Congress who hate the interim nuclear agreement signed by Iran in November with the United Nations Security Council "P5-plus-one."
Dec 6, 2013
Six reasons to worry about the Iran nuclear deal
The interim nuclear agreement between the Great Powers and Iran is creating a lot of anxiety for people who support the deal, because not much proof has been offered to suggest that it will actually work.
Dec 3, 2013
A vital role for Caroline Kennedy
Given the nexus of issues that tie vital U.S. interests to Japan's reform process, Caroline Kennedy, the new U.S. ambassador to Japan, could well prove to be a crucial link between the countries.
Dec 3, 2013
Power shifting in the Pacific
If China continues to strengthen its influence, will Japan, on its own or in collaboration with Australia, help reinforce the U.S. politically and militarily in the Asia-Pacific region?
Nov 29, 2013
Playing chicken in East Asia
Just how does China intend to enforce its new 'Air Defense Identification Zone' in the East China Sea? National pride and the personal reputation of new President Xi Jinping are both committed to this game now.
Nov 29, 2013
Why does the U.S. put up with Karzai's chutzpah?
With its guns and money, the U.S. has suspended the feuds of Afghanistan. When the Americans truly pack up their gear, the hard truth of that country will win out.
Nov 29, 2013
Obama's risky Afghan gambit
The Obama administration's decision to conduct U.S. training and counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan through 2024 means virtually an indefinite American troop presence there.
Nov 26, 2013
The unraveling of Barack Obama's presidency
When it comes to Obamacare, U.S. President Barack Obama is like someone who burns down your house. Then shows up with an empty water bucket. Then lectures you about how defective the house was.
Nov 24, 2013
The immigration question
Despite Japan's low birthrate and rapidly graying population, only one in seven Japanese support the idea of increased immigration.
Japan Times
Nov 19, 2013
U.S. prevails over Japan in FIVB Men's Grand Champions Cup
A strong U.S. men's volleyball squad squad ran into a speed bump in the third set, but managed to defeat Japan, winning 3-1 (25-17, 25-17, 21-25, 25-20) in the teams' FIVB Men's Grand Champions Cup opener on Tuesday.
Japan Times
Nov 13, 2013
U.S. spikers hand Japan four-set loss in FIVB Women's Grand Champions Cup
The United States volleyball team prevailed over Japan in four sets on Wednesday night, winning 25-19, 25-19, 19-25, 25-21 in their round-robin match at the FIVB Women's Grand Champions Cup.
Nov 12, 2013
U.S. media pay high price for Chinese censorship
While car tires and chicken meat get the attention of American trade officials, blatant instances of Chinese censorship have led to dire consequences for the U.S. media sector.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?