Tag - united-states



Mar 14, 2014
Rand Paul is Republicans' isolated isolationist
As Republicans start to debate foreign policy in advance of the 2016 election, it's shaping up to be a fight between Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul and everyone else. Until recently, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was on Paul's side, but that close relationship is fraying.
Mar 11, 2014
Ukraine batters a broken world
Surely the prize for the most cynical news item of the month should go to the announcement from Oslo that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014.
Mar 11, 2014
Obama gambles by slashing defense spending
The Obama administration's 2015 military budget cuts may embolden potential adversaries and abet miscalculation.
Mar 7, 2014
China gains from U.S.-Russia face-off
The clear geopolitical winner from the U.S.-Russian face-off over Ukraine will be an increasingly muscular China, which harps on historical grievances — real or imaginary — to justify its claims to territories and fishing areas long held by other Asian states.
Mar 7, 2014
What U.S. media won't say about Russia's actions
If America's foreign correspondents only knew that millions of ethnic Russians in former Soviet Republics have suffered widespread discrimination and harassment since the 1991 Soviet collapse — beginning with laws eliminating Russian as an official language — maybe they wouldn't be falling down on the job in Ukraine.
Feb 21, 2014
U.S. media losing credibility
The U.S. media's reduction of the recent diplomatic row between New Delhi and Washington to India wrong, America right, is an indictment of their professional integrity.
Feb 11, 2014
President Obama’s magic words and numbers
President Barack Obama's critics should reconsider their assumption that he is cynical. It is his belief in magic words and numbers that is scary.
Feb 10, 2014
Myths about economic inequality
True, the gap between the rich and the poor is enormous, wider than most Americans would wish, but this reality has made economic inequality a misleading intellectual fad, blamed for many of our problems.
Feb 4, 2014
Netanyahu's talks with Kerry will be critical
Support for an independent Palestine alongside the state of Israel is not a constant. An odd tension in public opinion exists on both sides: The desire for the two leaderships to negotiate a settlement is set against a much weaker conviction that they are capable of doing it.
Feb 4, 2014
Republicans debating illogical immigration deal
U.S. House Republicans' big idea for advancing immigration reforms is to let Illegal immigrants who meet various conditions work in the U.S. legally, but not let them get on a fast track to citizenship. Republicans should drop this subject if they can't do better.
Jan 31, 2014
The Affordable Care Act's four-word Waterloo?
If the defense of a state prerogative, filed in federal court by Oklahoma's attorney general, succeeds, the decline of Obamacare will accelerate.
Jan 31, 2014
What exactly are these Obama 'executive orders'?
In the aftermath of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, there is a lot of confusion about the phrase 'executive actions.' These are an optional tool the president can use to get something done.
Jan 28, 2014
Marijuana's sobering lessons from Prohibition
Like alcohol after the repeal of Prohibition, legal marijuana will be a profitable business kept on a tight leash. And we should expect the public health consequences tol be mixed, though hardly a disaster.
Jan 21, 2014
Is the Obama administration prioritizing ties with China?
The different tones of the U.S. and Japanese reactions to China's recent establishment of an air defense identificatin zone raises the question of whether the Obama administration is prioritizing ties with Beijing.
Jan 21, 2014
The real cause of Japan's renewed prosperity
Despite the apparent disconnect in recent years between the exemplary performance of Japanese students and the nation's stock and currency market fluctuations, the knowledge and skills that students bring to the workplace in the form of human capital make the companies that hire them more competitive.
Jan 17, 2014
How U.S. won — and lost— the war on poverty
In reality, Americans both won and lost the War on Poverty launched 50 years ago this month. This is an ambiguous truth that the acrimonious U.S. political culture has trouble accepting.
Jan 14, 2014
Japan's Obama problem
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe does not appear to have considered the possibility that his pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine on Dec. 26 might end up helping China by deepening South Korea's antagonism toward Japan.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?