Tag - un-women



Jun 19, 2015
Half of Indian kids are malnourished; girls suffer most
When Palak was found barely breathing buried under a mound of soil in an impoverished village in eastern India, doctors who treated the abandoned newborn girl knew that nursing her back to health would not be easy.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 18, 2015
Abe's WWII remarks likely to reflect view that 'comfort women' rights were violated
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's planned statement marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II will likely reflect his view that the human rights of "comfort women" were violated, according to the policy chief of the Liberal Democratic Party.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2015
Indians in Japan — a love story beset with challenges
While the recent increase in the number of Indian residents in Japan might appear substantial, it is small compared to the influx seen in some other countries. So why the big difference?
Jun 15, 2015
NHK filter gives viewers 'legal' way to avoid Japan's TV tax
An engineering professor at Tsukuba University says his device for TVs that filters out NHK's signal provides a legal basis for not paying subscription fees to to the public broadcaster.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2015
Guards Yoshida, Machida aiming high with national team
Looking to retain its title at August's FIBA Asia Championship for Women, the latest Japan national basketball team plans to play with more vigor and speed, partly to make up for its lack of height on the international stage.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 9, 2015
Murayama, Kono assail revisionism, urge Abe to uphold their apologies in entirety
Two former leaders who issued historic apologies for the nation's past lambast revisionist attempts to rewrite history, urging Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to stand by the statements they delivered when they were in office.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jun 7, 2015
Peruvian women seek state apology over forced sterilization under Fujimori
In the 1990s, government health workers went from door to door to coax, cajole and bully women in a farming community in Peru's highlands to come with them for free medical treatment.
Jun 6, 2015
History is harsh unless you erase it
On his visit to the United States in April, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addressed Congress and told them: "History is harsh. What was done cannot be undone."
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2015
Myanmar tells women when to have babies
If mother of two Sandar Myat Min chooses to have another child, Myanmar's government could decide when she can become pregnant.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2015
Pregnancy and birth in Japan: a cultural primer for foreign mothers
Some aspects of Japanese prenatal care may leave foreign women bemused, bewildered — or even belligerent.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2015
Here's hoping the ikumen fad fades as Japan ages like fine sake
When the Japanese media started to harp on about the fatigue emerging among ikumen — men who help their wives with child-rearing and other domestic duties — I just had to laugh. Being a Japanese sake brewer's husband, I was confident that I was streets ahead of these trendy men bragging about their...
Jun 1, 2015
Abe and history: What's next?
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe needs to dramatically and definitively address the 'comfort women' issue head on.
Japan Times
May 25, 2015
In North Korea, men call the shots, women make the money
North Korea is a militarized, male-dominated society, but it is women who are making the money as the insular nation allows an unofficial market-based economy to take shape.
Japan Times
May 17, 2015
Osaka-based Nepalese doctor calls for support for quake-hit homeland
Samantha Tamrakar is seeking support for the rescue effort underway in Nepal, which is reeling from two devastating earthquakes that have killed thousands.
JAPAN / Society
May 13, 2015
Japan Cabinet minister wary of opening 'Pandora's box' of immigration
The country should fix its shrinking workforce by enabling women to work, before turning to the “Pandora's box” of immigration, the minister for the empowerment of women said.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks