Tag - un-women



JAPAN / Science & Health
Nov 24, 2015
Syphilis cases rise sharply in Japan, especially among young women
The number of syphilis patients is rising rapidly, especially among young women, according to new statistics from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
Nov 23, 2015
The nation needs workers, and women are ready
'Womenomics' has a chance to succeed, mostly because of Japan's demographic shortcomings rather than an earnest desire by companies to treat women better.
Japan Times
Nov 21, 2015
Without tackling Japan's labor mismatch, Abe's GDP target is just a pipe dream
The government urgently needs to address the mismatch between the jobs available and the people who are looking for employment.
WORLD / Society
Nov 20, 2015
Tech-savvy sex traffickers stay ahead of authorities as lure teens online
When Nicole was age 17 and her mother was sent to prison for white collar crimes, she met a man on Facebook who offered to take care of her.
Nov 19, 2015
Japan's population problem
Japan's political and business leaders appear to be taking an ostrich-like approach to the severe demographic challenges that lie ahead.
JAPAN / Society
Nov 17, 2015
Suspect data reports keep lid on actual hours worked
Overwork is such an issue in Japan that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has vowed to fix it. He wants companies to reward productivity rather than long hours, and to create workplaces that allow men and women to finish on time and share the burden of responsibilities at home.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Nov 15, 2015
Survivors of domestic abuse hold parade in Shibuya
In a rare event designed to raise their profile, about 50 survivors of domestic abuse and their supporters held a parade in central Tokyo Sunday to demonstrate their vows not to succumb to violence.
JAPAN / Society
Nov 12, 2015
Welfare ministry proposes easing child care leave prerequisites
Amid a surge in nonregular workers, it would ease the current rigid requirement for child care leave that prevents many mothers from returning to work.
Japan Times
Nov 11, 2015
Let women and the world into kabuki and watch it flourish
Kabuki has the ability to enrich the imagination of the world; it should not be held back by insular vision and outmoded conservatism.
Japan Times
Nov 7, 2015
No relief in sight for Japan's poor single-parent families
How can Japan's single mothers have both the highest poverty and employment rate among the OECD group of developed nations?
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Nov 4, 2015
High school student launches product to deter train gropers
Packed rush hour trains, delays and unpleasant odors — all familiar headaches for seasoned rail riders. Yet for some, the daily commute includes a more sinister threat: gropers.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks