Tag - un-women



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 31, 2019
South Korean prime minister says he's keen to improve ties with Japan
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon expresses an eagerness to improve relations with Japan and develop their long history of bilateral exchanges and cooperation in a future-oriented way.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2019
Will Japan finally promote its female politicians?
Japan has one of the lowest participation rates of women in national parliaments in the world, but a law is meant to remedy this deficit, even if it includes no enforceable quotas or penalties.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Mar 27, 2019
Wife of marine in Okinawa works to support survivors of sexual assault by U.S. military personnel
The spouse of an active duty Marine in Okinawa Prefecture is championing an initiative to provide support for people who have been sexually assaulted by members of the U.S. military.
Japan Times
Mar 24, 2019
WAW/W20 talks close with a call for men to be more involved in women's issues
Key to empowering women is changing people's mindsets and involving men in dealing more with women's issues, participants at the joint World Assembly for Women and Women 20 summit hear.
Japan Times
Mar 22, 2019
'Ordinary people' in focus as over 1 billion Asians set to vote in elections
Rights over land and forests, a push for LGBTQ equality and getting more women on the ballot are some of the top election issues in Thailand, India and Indonesia as more than 1 billion people prepare to go to the polls, including many first-time voters.
JAPAN / Society
Mar 14, 2019
U.S. report cites persistent sexual harassment at workplace in Japan
The U.S. State Department has raised the issue of persistent sexual harassment in the workplace in Japan in its annual human rights report, released Wednesday.
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2019
14% of medical students in Japan asked personal questions, including on marriage and childbirth, during entrance interviews
A total of 14 percent of medical students said they were asked personal questions on topics including marriage and childbirth during their entrance examination interviews, a survey showed Tuesday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Mar 12, 2019
Iranian human rights lawyer newly sentenced to 38 years and 148 lashes, husband says
Nasrin Sotoudeh, an internationally renowned human rights lawyer jailed in Iran, was handed a new sentence Monday that her husband said comprised 38 years in prison and 148 lashes.
Mar 10, 2019
An opportunity to reduce the gender gap in politics
Upcoming local elections will test whether the parties take the gender gap as a serious issue that needs to be fixed.
Mar 9, 2019
Prenatal diagnosis problems
Brought public discussions should be held on a new type of prenatal diagnosis that can detect chromosome abnormalities.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Mar 8, 2019
Six years into Abe's womenomics push, women in Japan still struggling to shine
Six years have passed since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced plans to create a "Japan in which women can shine," urging more working mothers to take on leadership positions with pride.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 8, 2019
Putin rides horse with female cops ahead of International Women's Day
President Vladimir Putin mounted a horse on Thursday and cantered with female police officers in footage broadcast across Russia ahead of International Women's Day.
Japan Times
Mar 7, 2019
Missing female entrepreneurs
Creating a level playing field for female entrepreneurs will unleash the tremendous potential of this country.
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 7, 2019
One small step for a woman, one giant leap for womankind in planned all-female spacewalk
Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova was launched into space 55 years ago. She was followed nearly 20 years later by the second woman in space, Svetlana Savitskaya, who also did a spacewalk two years later.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks