Tag - un-women



Japan Times
WORLD / Society / FOCUS
Apr 3, 2013
Egypt's fundamentalist rulers crush lives, hopes of women
The ambush came from the left, from a side street which led up the hill to Mokattam Mosque. A rush of hundreds of men running down on the march of antigovernment protesters, bringing a sudden clatter of rocks landing all around, the crack of shots fired and the whizz of tear gas canisters. Sticks, stones...
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 1, 2013
Toshiba looks to add female execs
Toshiba announces plans to add about 100 more women to its managerial ranks by fiscal 2016 to nudge it closer to international gender standards.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Mar 31, 2013
Men with 'yellow fever' get a taste of their own medicine
There's no need for serious digging; just scrape the surface of history and there are plenty of examples of Caucasian men who showed the symptoms of a phenomenon known as 'yellow fever.'
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Mar 18, 2013
Swiss tourist gang-raped in India
A Swiss woman who was on a bicycle tour with her husband along central India's tourist trail was gang-raped by seven men, police said Saturday, again highlighting the issue of poor safety for females in the country.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Mar 16, 2013
How can the royal family champion women and endorse Saudi Arabia?
In its latest human rights report, not a great read, the United Kingdom's House of Commons foreign affairs committee wondered if the government attitude to "countries of concern" isn't a wee bit too "low key." Britain's relations with Saudi Arabia, for instance, would benefit from a "bolder" approach,...
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Mar 15, 2013
Lawmaker alleges sex-slave denial censored
The deletion from YouTube of statements by Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) lawmaker Nariaki Nakayama denying the Imperial Japanese Army forced thousands of Asian females to provide sex for soldiers during the war has once again put NHK under the national spotlight.
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2013
In Abe's future, a nationalist rewrite of the past?
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has kept a diplomatically low profile, particularly over historical issues, focusing instead on economic and other domestic matters ahead of the July Upper House election.
Mar 11, 2013
Ending the violence against women and girls
Two teenage girls, from Vietnam and Uganda, have traveled to U.N headquarters to find out what the world is doing to end violence against women.
Mar 10, 2013
Victim helped make rape a war crime
Prijedor Bosnia-Herzegovina AP
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Mar 9, 2013
U.S. improves, renews law on sexual violence
President Barack Obama, flanked by lawmakers and sexual abuse victims, on Thursday signed an updated version of the Violence Against Women Act, a measure that backs state efforts to combat rape and domestic assault and extends new protections to gays and Native Americans.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 4, 2013
Mrs. Obama's Oscar cameo raises questions about first lady's role
Is this what Michelle Obama looks like untethered to the pressure of a campaign? Is she free to follow her whims without worries about political backlash?
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Mar 1, 2013
Qusca: a good place to nap on the job
People fall asleep everywhere in Tokyo, but this cafe is actually made for it.
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2013
Everything you wanted to know about Western women (but were afraid to ask): No-holds-barred guide targets Japanese men
Here's an open secret: Japanese men have a bad international reputation on the romance front.
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2013
Tokyo: What do you make of the idea of having a romantic relationship with a Western woman/Japanese man?
At first, I thought I preferred Japanese women based on looks, but now I am actually married to an American woman. I was attracted to her as a whole — her personality as well as her looks.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks