Tag - un-women



Japan Times
Jul 21, 2014
Atami: What do you make of this statue of a jilted gent kicking a girl while she's down?
Gracing the shoreline in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a statue unique among the many in Japan that celebrate local legends or famous historical figures: A work depicting a man kicking a woman.
Jul 19, 2014
Ingrained ideas on gender roles
A recent poll of men and women 20 to 40 years old by a Japanese research institute finds that a surprising 40 percent of the respondents believe husbands should work full time while wives stay at home — despite Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to increase the number of women in the workplace.
Japan Times
Jul 18, 2014
Ex-NHK staffers seek Momii's ouster
More than 170 former employees of NHK petition the board of the public broadcaster to urge biased Chairman Katsuto Momii to resign or strip him of power.
Japan Times
Jul 17, 2014
Female workers may finally get foothold
When Prime Minister Shinzo Abe showed up last Sunday for the 19th International Conference for Women in Business, Kaori Sasaki — who has been organizing the gathering to empower women since 1996 — finally felt that society was changing.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 13, 2014
Abe: Change rules for female workers
After sexist heckling debacle, prime minister seeks to repair LDP's image with renewed pledge to boost female participation in the workforce.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2014
Ex-South Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops sue own government
Cho Myung-ja ran away from home as a teenager to escape a father who beat her, finding her way to the red light district in a South Korean town that hosts a large U.S. Army garrison.
JAPAN / Society
Jul 11, 2014
Japanese firms near crisis point as labor shortage deepens
Japan's labour shortage is nearing crisis in some key industries as it spreads from construction to services, curbing companies' operations, pushing up wages and potentially crimping a tentative recovery in the world's third-largest economy.
Jul 8, 2014
Nigerian mother fasts as hope of rescue for abducted girls fades
As the weeks stretch into months since her 18-year-old daughter Hauwa was kidnapped with 275 other schoolgirls by Islamist militants in the Nigerian town of Chibok, Rahila Musa Bitrus fasts and prays for her safe return.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2014
Foreign women also face 'maternity harassment'
Non-Japanese women discuss their experiences of mata-hara, or 'maternity harassment' — discrimination in the workplace against women who are pregnant, on child-care leave or have returned to work after giving birth.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2014
Tokyo: What should be done about sexist heckling in the capital's assembly?
Tokyo residents offer their views on the sexist jeering of lawmaker Ayaka Shiomura in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly last month.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 5, 2014
Irish Labour Party names first female leader
AP Ireland's Labour Party elected its first female leader on Friday, naming lawmaker Joan Burton to guide the country's traditional voice for the poor.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 4, 2014
Raising women's profiles, Cabinet names four as ministry bureau chiefs
To increase the number of female bureaucrats, the Cabinet promotes four women to bureau chief at four ministries where women have never held such lofty ranks.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 4, 2014
Japan hits back at Beijing-Seoul WWII commemoration proposal
Japan is up in arms after a report that China and South Korea may join hands in commemorating its defeat on the 70th anniversary of World War II.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jun 27, 2014
U.S. Supreme Court curbs limits on abortion clinic protests
The U.S. Supreme Court handed a victory to anti-abortion activists on Thursday by making it harder for states to enact laws aimed at helping patients entering abortion clinics to avoid protesters, striking down a Massachusetts statute that had created a no-entry zone.
Jun 25, 2014
Stop undermining Kono statement
A government panel has reported that some parts of the 1993 statement by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono concerning the "comfort women" at Japan's wartime frontline brothels were the product of diplomatic negotiations between Tokyo and Seoul. Still, the panel's findings do not change the basic...


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks