Tag - un-women



Japan Times
Dec 29, 2014
Discussing sex crimes and Japan's 'safety myth'
A selection of responses to Rachel Halle's recent column, 'Foreign student's account of treatment in rape case points to gaps in Japan's safety myth.'
Dec 29, 2014
'Comfort women' politics in Japan, Korea, U.S.
Perhaps the wartime existence of 'comfort women' owes its notoriety in recent years to Japan's retroactive bad conscience, South Korean politics and the unwarranted U.S. propensity to be a moral scold.
Dec 28, 2014
Using errors to advance agendas
An independent panel's findings on the Asahi Shimbun's retraction of a series of past articles on the 'comfort women' issue offer important lessons to reporters, editors and newspaper management.
Dec 26, 2014
Asahi plans system to review reports, limit editorial interference
The president of the Asahi Shimbun on Friday expressed regret for the way the newspaper handled the retraction of some of its reports on the thousands of mostly Korean women who were coerced into Japan's military brothels before and during the war, and said it would establish a system to review past...
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2014
Scam shows China's shortage of brides reaching critical mass
In the villages outside Handan, China, a bachelor looking to marry a local girl needs to have as much as $64,000, the price tag for a suitable home and obligatory gifts. That is a bit out of the price range of many of the farmers in the area.
Dec 24, 2014
Standing up to threats
A Sapporo university's decision to retain an instructor in the face of rightist threats is a victory for freedom of expression and other fundamental democratic rights.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society / DECISION 2014
Dec 10, 2014
Japan's persisting gender gap leaves many single moms in poverty
Yuka Suzuki, 47, has virtually no savings, earns about half the average national wage and cannot see where the money will come from to retire one day.
Japan Times
Dec 8, 2014
Foreign student's account of treatment in rape case points to gaps in Japan's safety myth
Never did I expect that I would get raped in Japan. The story I am about to tell belies the image of the 'world's safest country' that often gets trotted out when people enthuse about Japan.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 6, 2014
Bill Cosby's Walk of Fame star vandalized with word 'rapist'
Comedian Bill Cosby's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was vandalized on Friday with the word "rapist" written over it, after numerous women came forward in recent weeks alleging Cosby had sexually assaulted them in incidents dating back decades.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2014
New Asahi Shimbun chief promises to restore public trust in daily
The Asahi Shimbun's new president vowed Friday to rebuild domestic and international trust in the beleaguered paper by broadening the range of views expressed in its pages, correcting erroneous information in a timely manner and being more careful with investigative stories.
Dec 5, 2014
Japan's media needs to act as a watchdog, not a lapdog
Cozy relationships between Japan's mainstream media and politicians have helped to enable much of the cronyism, irresponsible behavior and policy drift that the prime minister is supposedly trying to eradicate.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Dec 4, 2014
Three women publicly detail sexual allegations against Bill Cosby
Three women on Wednesday came together to speak publicly about their allegations that comedian Bill Cosby sexually abused and groped them decades ago, a day after Cosby was sued by a woman who said he molested her when she was a teenager in 1974.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks