Tag - un-women



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 6, 2018
Confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh all but sure after long, bitter fight
President Donald Trump's nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, looked headed for a lifetime job on the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday after two crucial senators said that sexual misconduct accusations against the judge would not prevent them from voting to confirm him.
Oct 5, 2018
The deep-seated gender gap in politics
That Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's new 19-member Cabinet has only one woman is another reminder that the administration's pet policy of promoting the role of women in society has had mixed results at best.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2018
With Kavanaugh probe firing up Republican base, Trump likely a winner whether judge confirmed or not
The ugly partisan brawl over U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation remains undecided, but President Donald Trump appears likely to come out on top regardless of the outcome.
Japan Times
Oct 3, 2018
Osaka severs sister-city ties with San Francisco over 'comfort women' statue
The Osaka Municipal Government said Tuesday that it has sent a document to officially end its 61-year-old sister-city ties with San Francisco over a statue symbolizing the issue of "comfort women," or those forced to provide sex at Japanese military brothels before and during World War II.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 29, 2018
More than 20 million Americans glued to U.S. Supreme Court hearing telecasts
The high-stakes Senate hearing on the nomination of U.S. Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh riveted American television viewers with roughly 20.4 million people tuning in on six broadcast and cable networks, according to Nielsen data released Friday.
Japan Times
Sep 28, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh's fiery denial during testimony gives Republicans cover to vote 'Yes'
Brett Kavanaugh's passionate denial of allegations of sexual misconduct may have convinced Republicans who want to vote "yes" to put him on the Supreme Court that they can overlook his accuser's credible and moving testimony.
Japan Times
Sep 28, 2018
Having outperformed Topix, a pioneer female money manager takes her womenomics fund to U.S.
Miyuki Kashima was one of the first female fund managers in Japan, with a career that dates back to the mid-1980s, before the country's bubble burst. Now she's outperforming the benchmark index by buying companies that hire and promote more women.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 28, 2018
In #MeToo era, Ford lauded on left and right as honest and brave
Christine Blasey Ford began her testimony in front of a Senate committee by saying she was "terrified," and at times she looked it.
Japan Times
Sep 27, 2018
From chat room to courtroom: China's #MeToo movement takes legal turn with case involving TV star
When a former intern at China's state broadcaster wrote in July about being groped and forcibly kissed by one of the country's most recognizable television stars, her story ignited a social media firestorm in a country where a backlash against sexual harassment was growing.
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Sep 24, 2018
The night a Chinese billionaire was accused of rape in Minnesota
With the Chinese billionaire Richard Liu at her Minneapolis area apartment, a 21-year-old University of Minnesota student sent a WeChat message to a friend in the middle of the night. She wrote that Liu had forced her to have sex with him.
Japan Times
Sep 23, 2018
Japan urged to up ranks of female politicians to reach U.N. sustainable development goals
To help meet the United Nations' 2030 sustainable development goal for gender equality and empowering all women and girls, Japan needs more female politicians, especially at the local level.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 19, 2018
Black magic traps Nigerians in sex slavery abroad
When lesions broke out on Florence's face, she thought she had crossed a black magic curse that had been cast on her as she left Nigeria to work in Russia's sex trade.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2018
Bilingual project aims to be a springboard to women's empowerment in Japan
A new bilingual program aims to cross language and cultural barriers and help all women move ahead in their professional and personal lives — sharing with and learning from each other in the process.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2018
Going against a global trend, Japan lags on boardroom diversity: study
The "old boys club" in the boardroom is alive and well — and most prevalent among the biggest Japanese and Chinese companies.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Sep 6, 2018
Despite reform efforts, Native American females face high rates of crime, violence and disappearance
For generations, Native American women have been victimized at astonishing rates, with federal figures showing that more than half have encountered sexual and domestic violence at some point during their lives — even amid a wave of efforts aimed at reducing such crimes.
Sep 4, 2018
Seoul to check public lavatories daily as anger boils over 'spycam porn' targeting women
Amid anger over "spycam porn," authorities in Seoul have pledged to conduct daily checks in public toilets, but campaigners on Monday called for stronger regulations on hidden cameras commonly used to target women.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks