Tag - u-s-bases



Dec 6, 2015
Legal showdown over Henoko
The court battle that just got underway between Okinawa and the national government over the Futenma replacement base is more likely to exacerbate the conflict than resolve it.
Dec 4, 2015
U.S. military announces return of two slivers of land in Okinawa in 2018
The United States and Japan announce the return in 2018 of two strips of land from military bases in Okinawa to widen civilian roads.
Nov 18, 2015
Court battle over Henoko
The court battle the central government has launched against the Okinawa Prefectural government over the project to relocate Air Station Futenma could further complicate the standoff.
Nov 18, 2015
Okinawa's base conundrum
The Okinawa base issue goes beyond the tangible impact of the U.S. military bases. More than anything, it's the attitude of the Japanese central government toward the issue that irks Okinawans.
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 18, 2015
Yohei Kono calls suit against Okinawa governor's base-blocking move 'denial of local autonomy'
Former House of Representatives Speaker Yohei Kono called Tuesday's move by the central government to sue Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga over his rejection of the approval to start work on a base in the prefecture to replace U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma "a denial of local autonomy," according to...
Nov 15, 2015
Construction of an outlaw Marine base in Okinawa
In its eagerness to appease U.S. Marine demands for a super base in northern Okinawa, the Abe administration has cast aside the rules of law.
Oct 15, 2015
Onaga vs. the central government
The national government's bullheadedness on the Futenma relocation is making a bitter court battle inevitable.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2015
U.S.-Japan environmental agreement on U.S. bases flawed, experts say
The new accord allows Japanese officials access to U.S. military bases in Japan to conduct environmental surveys, but experts question its effectiveness.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2015
FOIA documents reveal hot spots, fish kills and toxic dumps on Okinawa military base
Following an 18-month battle, the Pentagon has released records detailing serious contamination on Okinawa base land slated soon for return to civilian use.
Sep 20, 2015
Onaga's challenge on Henoko
Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga might lose the legal battle that's likely coming over his revocation of landfill approval for the Futenma replacement base, but Tokyo would be wise to consider the public sentiment behind his move.
Sep 16, 2015
Pentagon blocks report on 'toxic contamination' at base outside Okinawa capital
Excerpts cite buried chemicals and 'evidence of contamination by heavy metals and pesticides' at military site on prime real estate near Naha.


Atsuyoshi Koike, the president and CEO of Rapidus, says there is a “sense of urgency” when it comes to Japan’s efforts in manufacturing semiconductors. “We have to make sure we are successful,” he says.
Atsuyoshi Koike’s big game: Fourth down and 2 nanometers to go