Tag - tuna



Japan Times
Jan 30, 2016
All at sea: Lack of regulations hurting tuna stocks
Adorning the walls of Kanji Nishi's three-roomed apartment are a dozen framed photos. None features his children, Shota and Chisato, who are sitting cross-legged on the floor shunning smartphones for origami artistry. Instead, Nishi is seen posing alongside a different kind of pride and joy.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jan 23, 2016
Can farmed tuna save the bluefin from extinction?
Conservationists have long warned that bluefin tuna stocks are declining. While the development of aquaculture may offer an alternative, it doesn't come without a few headaches of its own.
Nov 2, 2015
Somalia facing a whole new type of pirate
Somalia's rich marine resources are being plundered by foreign fishing vessels, and the war-torn nation needs international help to fend them off.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Oct 31, 2015
Tsukiji countdown: clock ticking on famed fish market
With a year to go until the wholesale fish market in Tokyo's Chuo Ward closes its doors for good, operators in the market prepare to say their last goodbyes to the landmark attraction.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jan 10, 2015
Code + culture: New Internet artists from Japan
If the Internet is an ocean, why do we spend so much time floating on its surface? What's really going on down there? Not just in the deepest, darkest trenches, but among the forgotten protocols, faulty algorithms and emerging parameters outside the busy shipping lanes and far from the crowded life rafts...
Jan 10, 2015
Sushi apocalypse feared for wild species
Let's hope that farm-raised tuna becomes commercially viable and that conservation efforts allow stocks to replenish. If not, there's the risk that the last wild bluefin tuna will be caught.
WORLD / Science & Health
Dec 5, 2014
New U.S. regulations reel in fishing of Atlantic bluefin tuna
The Atlantic bluefin tuna has gained protections from overfishing in the Gulf of Mexico and the waters off North Carolina under a federal rule to better regulate a species coveted by sushi lovers.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Oct 23, 2014
Seafood a sweet spot in Japanese exports as yen weakens
Seafood is a sweet spot in Japanese exports this year that is pushing sales of food abroad to a record and gaining strength as the yen weakens.
Sep 6, 2014
Tuna catch limit, too little too late?
Japan's Fisheries Agency plans to call for a reduction in the annual catch of immature Pacific Bluefin tuna. The proposal is welcome, but it may be too little, too late.
Jun 17, 2014
Saving the Japanese eel
The international designation of the Japanese eel as a species at risk of extinction underscores the need for more controlled and responsible fishing and consumption to preserve one of this nation's long-cherished food cultures.
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2014
Eco-labels urged to save endangered marine life
2013 highlighted the decline in Japan's fishery resources, with baby eel trading at ¥3 million per kilogram — more expensive than silver — and the catch quota of bluefin tuna being slashed at the December meeting of the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks...


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan