Tag - trainees



Dec 31, 2017
Japan's need for foreign labor to get dire as 2050 nears
As the nation struggles with a shortage of workers and an aging population, experts expect Japan to develop a severe labor shortage around mid-century.
Japan Times
Nov 1, 2017
With new rules, Japan looks to wipe out abuse in trainee system — but critics say more must be done
Changes include creation of a watchdog organization and the requirement that firms secure accreditation for their training programs.
Oct 13, 2017
Vietnamese flock to Japan foreign trainee program as total tops 26,000
The number of Vietnamese in Japan's Technical Intern Training Program for foreign nationals stood at 26,437 in January-June this year — the largest group — according to a recent Immigration Bureau survey.
Aug 10, 2017
Record 4,004 firms with trainees from abroad found to have violated labor laws in 2016
A record number of employers accepting trainees from abroad under the nation's Technical Intern Training Program violated labor laws in 2016, the labor ministry said Wednesday.
Mar 8, 2017
Abuse of foreign trainees spiked in 2016: Immigration Bureau
Immigration officials said Wednesday that 383 acts of fraud were committed against foreign trainees in 2016, a record high since the intern training program was launched in 2010.
Nov 24, 2016
Recruiter criticized over list ranking foreign trainees by nationality
The list named six different East Asian countries and scored them based on eight categories such as religion, fondness for Japan and Japanese language capability.
Oct 31, 2016
Record 5,803 foreign trainees went missing in Japan last year
Observers say this is another sign that the technical intern program — long criticized by rights groups at home and abroad as akin to slavery — is seriously flawed.
Oct 27, 2016
Foreign trainees as caregivers
The government shouldn't use the trouble-plagued foreign trainee program to fill manpower shortages in the nursing care sector.
JAPAN / Society
Oct 21, 2016
Lower House committee passes bill to shake up Japan's foreign trainee program
The bill is intended to shake up a state-sponsored foreign traineeship program slammed by critics as akin to modern slavery.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Feb 23, 2016
Forced labor allegations and abuses continue to dog Japan's foreign trainee program
Tang Xili came to Japan in 2013, hoping to earn enough in three years to build a new home for her daughter. Instead, she ended up in a labor union shelter after leaving an employer she says owes her about ¥3.5 million in unpaid wages.
Mar 6, 2015
Foreign nurses, caregivers to get special visa status
The Cabinet approves the creation of a new visa category for foreign nurses and caregivers to help reduce the labor shortage in the industry.


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