Tag - traffic-accidents



Nov 21, 2019
Japan aims to offer subsidies to elderly drivers for cars with safety systems
The government plans to subsidize the purchases of cars with extra safety functions for those age 65 or over as part of steps to reduce traffic accidents, sources have said.
Oct 1, 2019
National Public Safety Commission tackles topics from elderly driving to Tokyo Olympics security
The government will consider various measures to prevent traffic accidents involving elderly drivers, including the introduction of a new driver's license category with special limitations, National Public Safety Commission Chairman Ryota Takeda has said.
Japan Times
Sep 12, 2019
Child fatality rate for car accidents over 13 times higher when child seats not used: NPA survey
The car accident fatality rate for passengers under 6 is over 13 times higher when a child seat is not used or is used incorrectly, police data showed Thursday.
Sep 4, 2019
Tokyo pushes bill obliging cyclists to have liability insurance amid rise in accidents
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government submitted an amendment that would oblige cyclists to purchase liability insurance following a series of bicycle accidents in which pedestrians were severely injured.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 24, 2019
LDP to begin discussing stricter penalties for road rage cases
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party will start discussing measures to fight road rage, with an eye toward imposing stricter penalties on reckless drivers, sources have said.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan