Tag - tourism-agency



Oct 19, 2016
Is the party over? Spending by overseas visitors drops for first time in 19 quarters
Figures show foreign tourists spent u00a5971.7 billion from July to September period, down 2.9 percent from the same time last year.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2016
JTB hack underscores need for revamp of cybersecurity in Japan
A massive data breach at Japan's largest travel agency has underscored the risks companies face when they keep sensitive data on networks connected to the internet, experts say. Some warn government systems are especially vulnerable to state-sponsored attack, including by China and North Korea.
Jun 2, 2016
Japan ranked most popular spot for international conferences in Asia for fourth consecutive year
But a tally of countries that hosted international meetings says that Japan ranked seventh globally in 2015.
Japan Times
May 4, 2016
Japan's tourism sector evolving but needs more work, cultural heritage expert says
Japan's tourism strategies have gone beyond just promoting hospitality and have put the nation on track to achieve global standards, a British-born cultural heritage expert said.
Japan Times
Apr 29, 2016
Japan looks to reform rigid tour guide exams as part of wider tourism push
As Japan begins to adapt to the unprecedented influx of foreign visitors, the tightly regulated tour guide industry prepares for major reform.
Aug 27, 2014
Agency plans big data survey to gauge foreign tourists' needs
The Japan Tourism Agency plans to use big data to conduct a survey on foreign tourists' behavior so that local governments and tourism industries can develop tours and events that meet their needs, NHK reported Wednesday.
Jul 22, 2014
Government's tourism efforts ineffective, report says
The government probably can't take credit for the increase in the number of foreign tourists. Many of its projects to attract visitors, such as inviting foreign travel agencies to Japan, participating in trade shows overseas and various advertising campaigns, are ineffective.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?