Tag - tour



Apr 12, 2007
Australia's anti-China pact
Australia does some strange things in its foreign policies. The latest "security" (read "military") tieup with Japan is no exception.
Feb 15, 2007
Defending Polish plumbers makes sense
PRAGUE -- Supporters of Europe's social model claim that what distinguishes it is the importance placed on "social cohesion." And, of course, it is as difficult to be against cohesion as it is to be against friendship. But the real question is which policies work best.


Atsuyoshi Koike, the president and CEO of Rapidus, says there is a “sense of urgency” when it comes to Japan’s efforts in manufacturing semiconductors. “We have to make sure we are successful,” he says.
Atsuyoshi Koike’s big game: Fourth down and 2 nanometers to go