Tag - times-square



Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Jun 21, 2019
Wallenda stunt siblings to walk 25 stories high across Times Square Sunday on live TV
The rope is no wider than his thumb, the height is 25 stories up and the length is five city blocks, but what really concerns aerialist Nik Wallenda about his high-wire walk in New York on Sunday is his sister.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2018
Bees besiege Times Square street, drawing swarm of tourists
It was a case of hold the honey, double the mustard in Times Square at lunchtime on Tuesday.
Japan Times
Dec 29, 2017
Big Apple's finest pull out all stops to thwart New Year's Eve suicide bombers
The New York Police Department is providing officers with specialized training to stop any suicide bombers at Sunday's New Year's Eve celebration, when up to 2 million people will flood the streets of Times Square, officials said on Thursday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 12, 2017
Times Square subway bomber claims ties to Islamic State but officials say he's solo player
A Brooklyn man wearing a pipe bomb attached with Velcro and zip ties set off an explosive in the Times Square subway station Monday morning, injuring himself and three others, sending ambulances racing and commuters fleeing as Christmas shoppers poured into New York City. He later said he is a follower...
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jan 1, 2016
Jubilance in Times Square as New York rings in 2016
More than a million people in New York's Times Square hailed the arrival of 2016 early Friday with kisses, cheers and a measure of relief as America's biggest New Year's Eve celebration unfolded without a hitch under a blanket of unprecedented security.
Japan Times
Jan 2, 2015
NYC rang in new year with heightened security in Times Square
Roughly 1 million revelers packed New York's Times Square and rang in the new year with the city's annual crystal ball drop under unusually tight security for the nation's biggest New Year's Eve celebrations.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly