Tag - timber



May 11, 2017
Borneo village chief urges Tokyo to stop using cheap timber in centerpiece Olympic stadium
A village leader from Borneo urged Japan on Wednesday to stop building its Olympic stadium with cheap timber that he says is obliterating traditional life for his indigenous people.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jan 21, 2017
When pollen attacks! Experts reveal new approaches to combating hay fever
With the allergy season just around the corner, we examine the latest attempts to stem one of the country's most irritating problems.
Japan Times
May 2, 2015
Spring legacy of winter's toll in the woods
As I write this, April is two-thirds gone and the snow around our house and in our woods has almost disappeared, leaving butterburs to sprout up everywhere. Today was quite warm and we heard the first songs of the bush warblers. The Torii River that flows right past my study and gym is swollen and rushing...
Jun 13, 2014
Japan needs tougher laws to end illegal timber imports, NGO says
Japan, the world's fourth-largest buyer of timber products, needs to introduce laws and stricter oversight to stamp out imports of illegally logged wood, according to the activist group Environmental Investigation Agency.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Mar 22, 2014
Hay fever: nothing to sneeze at
Pharmaceutical companies are deploying a whole new generation of high-tech products in the fight against the seasonal irritant
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2013
Blazing a woodland trail through Shin Kiba
Even if you can't read the kanji for Shin Kiba, you'll sniff out its meaning of "new wood place" the moment you arrive. The Yurakucho subway line's terminus there in eastern Tokyo smells like a cedar closet. Inside the station, a display of Japanese carpentry — including beams featuring dovetail, mitered...


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble