Tag - ties



Sep 1, 2014
Putting an end to the Japan-Korea history wars
As another war of words heats up, Japanese and South Korean leaders need to step back, recognize where the real interests of their people lie, and stop obsessing about the past.
Sep 1, 2014
China, U.S. moving closer to viewing war as inevitable
The 'tipping point' in China-U.S. relations has been defined as where the two conclude that conflict is unavoidable and begin preparing for it in earnest while trying to hide their true intentions. Has that point been reached?
Sep 1, 2014
Aussie uranium for India
The journey to the point where Australia has agreed to sell uranium to India has been tortuous, and the controversy is unlikely to fade anytime soon.
Aug 25, 2014
Modi's focus on the India-Japan relationship
Given Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's admiration for India, expect Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Tokyo to bring about a major transformation in India-Japan relations.
Aug 4, 2014
The fruit of good Japan-Taiwan ties
The exhibition of treasures from Taipei's National Palace Museum at the Tokyo National Museum through Sept. 15 is the first exhibition of its kind in an Asian country outside Taiwan. That's why it is attracting big crowds of Japanese.
Aug 3, 2014
Sudden switchbacks mark Canberra's ties with Tokyo
The Japan-Australia relationship is an odd one. Both are fairly loveless in Asia, and Australia has this ability to switch suddenly from an anti-Japan to an anti-China attitude of suspicion.
Jun 23, 2014
Time to make 'Chindia' a reality
Ten years ago, Indian economist and politician Jairam Ramesh raised the idea of China and India joining forces to cooperate as much as they compete. With both countries now in the hands of self-described reformers, could 'Chindia' finally come to fruition?
Jun 15, 2014
Giving a resolute pro-India neighbor its due
It's an indication of the ham-handed manner in which Indian foreign policy is managed that even relations with Bhutan have seemed troubled in the past few years.
Jun 2, 2014
Conclude an East Asia FTA
Despite diplomatic problems among the three, business delegations from Japan, China and South Korea recently agreed that a free trade agreement should be concluded soon.
May 26, 2014
Conduct in the South China Sea
Tension has gripped China-Vietnam ties for nearly a month since China brought a deep-water oil drilling rig into an area near the Paracel Islands, which is under China's effective control but also claimed by Vietnam.
Apr 23, 2014
Resuscitating Japan-China ties
It's high time leaders of Japan and China stopped fanning the flames of narrow-minded nationalism and started talking to each other in an effort to put bilateral relations back on track.
Apr 7, 2014
Taiwan's 'sunflowers' bloom
A student-led occupation of the Taiwanese government's legislature to protest a cross-strait trade agreement — which is the centerpiece of President Ma Ying-jeou's political and economic agenda — enters its third week.
Mar 31, 2014
A Korean who cherished her Japanese teachers
An 89-year-old Korean in Pennsylvania calls the latest spats between Japan and South Korea 'infantile and lamentable.' She remembers her Japanese teachers as loving people who 'poured their heart and soul into making good human beings out of us.'
Mar 30, 2014
Failed 'resets' with Russia allow for a cold peace
The ideological antagonism of the Cold War may be gone, but Russia now defines itself as an alternative civilizational and social model. A cold peace is possible.
Mar 27, 2014
Abe's pace on two right legs
The current Abe administration finds itself with two right legs — one composed of traditional conservative forces that favor strong ties with the U.S. and another that takes anti-U.S. postures. Both jockey for influence within Abe' Liberal Democratic Party.
Feb 28, 2014
An Abe-Park dialogue needed
South Korean President Park Geun-hye has entered her second year in office with little prospect that the chilly relationship between Japan and her country will improve.
Feb 10, 2014
Mutual fears of China, Japan
China and Japan are perceiving more and more threats from each other, and their overactive responses are causing strong sense of insecurity for the region. The vicious circle is driving an escalating arms race.
Jan 19, 2014
Trouble for U.S.-India relations
The speed with which last month's arrest an Indian diplomat on charges of perjury and visa fraud escalated to become a full-blown diplomatic crisis reveals the weakness of ties between the U.S. and India.
Jan 19, 2014
Criminal envoy or rogue state?
If Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade's alleged offenses in New York City were criminally outside the norm, Washington should have worked with India to file charges in the U.S. or in India. If Delhi proved noncooperative, Khobragade could have been expelled persona non grata.
Oct 23, 2013
Territorial talks with Russia
Japan needs to develop a long-term strategy for maximizing its leverage with Russia as negotiations on resolving the Northern Territories sovereignty issue appear set to resume.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?