Tag - terrorism-3



Japan Times
Aug 26, 2021
Has nation-building in Afghanistan failed?
Experts say history has shown that Afghanistan's traditional tribal groups tend to reject central government rule, which was the case during the British, Soviet and U.S. interventions.
Japan Times
Aug 25, 2021
Biden's Afghanistan pullout was the right decision
The Taliban's quick takeover of Afghanistan and the near impossibility of being able to establish a functioning government in Kabul suggests Biden's withdrawal decision was the right one.
Japan Times
Aug 25, 2021
Show Afghan girls the world still cares
It's in the world's interest to educated Afghanistan's girls — as one may become the leader who plays a critical role in the fight against extremism.
Japan Times
Aug 24, 2021
Afghanistan is not Japan, South Korea or Taiwan
The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan should not be construed with its commitments to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The U.S. Afghan presence was pressed upon it by the 9/11 attacks.
Japan Times
Aug 24, 2021
Asian allies aren’t worried by Biden’s Afghan debacle — yet
A failure to engage after a debacle like Afghanistan will undermine U.S. credibility, proof once again that the coverup is often worse than the crime.
Japan Times
Aug 23, 2021
The Taliban now need to find friends
The Taliban's pledge of “inclusivity” could exclude many of its more radical elements, raising the risk they will seek partnerships with terrorist groups like al-Qaida.
Japan Times
Aug 22, 2021
Afghanistan was always about American politics
From Vietnam to the Persian Gulf, the American empire has been defeated and worn down about as thoroughly as the British and French in the early 1960s.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2021
The Taliban say they’ve changed; now they must prove it
As the Taliban offer assurances about the militant group's readiness to govern humanely, their record encourages deep concern.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2021
Blaming Biden will not help the Afghans still at risk
Though tragic, the fall of Kabul to the Taliban was not a surprise to many. Laying blame now for the defeat will not help those in need of protection.
Japan Times
Aug 20, 2021
Pakistan: The catalyst for the U.S. washout in Afghanistan
The biggest U.S. mistake after 9/11 was the failure to secure long-term support from the frontline states surrounding Afghanistan such as Iran, China, Russia and, above all, Pakistan.
Japan Times
Aug 19, 2021
U.S. leaves more blood in the sand
Almost every modern U.S. military intervention in the developing world has come to rot. It's hard to think of an exception since the Korean War.
Japan Times
Aug 19, 2021
Despite Taliban assurances, Afghanistan rout fuels fears about militant havens
The Taliban has said it will not allow Afghanistan to be used to launch attacks on other nations, but experts say ties remain with al-Qaida and other militant groups.
Japan Times
Aug 19, 2021
Terror and the Taliban
The reality is while the Taliban and Al-Qaida do share a similar religious ideology and worldview, they have very different objectives.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2021
Afghanistan: The nation of never-ending conflicts
The various factions of the Taliban will split, mostly on ethnic lines, and another civil war of uncertain length will follow.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2021
Biden’s high stakes gamble on Afghanistan masks challenges ahead
Biden has taken ownership of a crisis that could determine the fate of his presidency and longer-term perceptions abroad about American leadership.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
The Taliban are back. Now will they restrain or support al-Qaida?
The United States invaded Afghanistan 20 years ago in response to terrorism, and many worry that al-Qaida and other radical Islamist groups will again find safe haven there.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
Taliban mullahs vow softer approach to win over skeptical world
Even before the group announces what's next, it appears to be in a stronger position on the world stage than it ever achieved during its five-year rule that ended after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
Biden has only himself to blame for the Taliban's victory
There was no strategic imperative for U.S. President Joe Biden to order a hasty pullout of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, yet he did.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2021
With Afghanistan’s collapse, a moment for Moscow and Beijing
The roles played by China and Russia now may well determine whether Afghanistan becomes a threat to the region and the wider world.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2021
Afghanistan’s unraveling may strike another blow to U.S. credibility
The Taliban's lightning advance comes at a moment when many in Europe and Asia had hoped that President Joe Biden would re-establish America's firm presence in international affairs.


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble