Tag - taxi



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jan 25, 2018
New Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi to make first visit to Japan in February
Uber Technologies Inc.'s Dara Khosrowshahi has scheduled his first visit to Asia since taking over as chief executive officer amid questions about the ride-hailing giant's future in the region.
Japan Times
Oct 12, 2017
Uber, Ola's Indian legal woes put SoftBank's funding in firing line
An Indian taxi company has stepped up its legal challenge against local competitor Ola and U.S. rival Uber, alleging the firms are abusing their market position, and believes that planned investments in both by Japan's SoftBank underscore its view.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Sep 25, 2017
Uber changes tone after London authorities suspend license, says its ready to make concessions
Uber Technologies Inc. is prepared to make concessions to restore its revoked London taxi license, the Sunday Times reported, two days after the ride service said it will fight the suspension in court.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jul 25, 2017
Uber in the crosshairs as Japan's SoftBank helps rivals raise $9 billion
Uber Technologies Inc. is at risk of losing out on another big chunk of the global market.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Music / Sound Off
May 4, 2017
Politics and pop: a perfect pairing
It's official: You can't escape politics in America. On a recent trip to Seattle, everyone I spoke to wanted to talk about President Donald Trump. Fittingly, the 2017 edition of the Museum of Pop Culture's Pop Conference, which I was invited to speak at, took on a political theme with "Sign O' The Times:...
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Apr 22, 2017
Uncharted waters: exploring the untapped potential of Tokyo's waterways
If the color of the taxi I have boarded is anything to go by, I could be in New York or Chicago, maybe even Kolkata. Instead, this particular yellow cab is ferrying me around Tokyo and rather than vying for lane space with trucks, buses and passenger vehicles, it's chugging along some of the little-traversed...
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2017
More than fare trade: backstreet by taxi
A combination of rain showers and tax prep in March signal Tokyo's segue into spring.
Japan Times
Oct 24, 2016
Uber embarks on unconventional strategy in Japanese countryside
In a small coastal town on the Sea of Japan, Uber Technologies Inc. is deploying an unusual strategy.
Japan Times
Apr 11, 2016
Collaboration aims to resolve senior transportation challenges
Toyota Motor Corp. has started a three-year collaboration with Nagoya University, providing ¥360 million through its Toyota Mobility Foundation to facilitate transport for elderly residents.
Japan Times
Mar 24, 2016
Brussels airport bombers ordered large taxi, got small one, left bomb behind
A mixup by a Brussels taxi dispatcher may have prevented more carnage at the city's airport on Tuesday, Belgium's DH newspaper reported, saying the cab firm sent a smaller car to pick up the bombers than the one ordered.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2015
Robot Taxi plans to have Fujisawa residents test driverless car for supermarket rides
Robot Taxi Inc. said Thursday it will invite local residents to try out an experimental self-driving taxi on public roads early next year.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties