Tag - taxes



JAPAN / Politics
Oct 30, 2023
Kishida says tax hike and tax cut policies ‘don’t contradict’
“An (income tax cut) is a temporary measure until wages increase to a level that can cover rising prices," the prime minister said.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 27, 2023
Amid scrutiny, Kishida emphasizes tax cuts to pull out from deflation
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan has heavily criticized the government for its belated response to rising inflation.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida listens as Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan chief Kenta Izumi speaks in parliament in Tokyo on Tuesday.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 24, 2023
Tough questions for Kishida in parliament over spending plans
Japan’s main opposition party began its scrutiny of Kishida's economic stimulus package as the country struggles with inflation and stagnant wages.
Members of the Ground Self-Defense Force disembark from a CH-47 Chinook helicopter during a live fire exercise in Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture, in May 2022.
Oct 23, 2023
Kishida's proposed tax cuts put higher defense spending on hold
The plan to raise defense spending partly through tax hikes has been put on ice. In fact, it was never likely to deliver fast results.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida delivers a policy speech during an extraordinary session of parliament in Tokyo on Monday.
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 23, 2023
The economy takes center stage in Kishida’s policy speech
"'The economy, the economy, the economy.’ I will focus my attention on the economy more than anything else,” Kishida said in opening remarks.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters on Tuesday in Tokyo
Oct 12, 2023
Why are ruling party lawmakers calling for tax cuts?
As the prime minister prepares for a new economic stimulus package, it's members of his own party who are raising a fuss.
From happōshu to real beer, Japan’s tax changes aim to improve brewing quality and prices.
Oct 6, 2023
Amid rising costs, why is Japan making beer cheaper?
A 350-milliliter can of brew costs drinkers about ¥7 (5 cents) less from October, thanks to changes in the country’s tax system.
The new invoice system, which goes into effect Oct. 1, is forcing many freelancers in Japan to choose between raising their prices or suffer a 10% loss in revenue.
Sep 25, 2023
Freelancers aren’t happy with Japan’s new invoice system
For many freelancers and small businesses, the result will amount to a 10% increase in taxes.
Members of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, commonly known as Rengo, raise their fists as they cheer during their annual May Day rally to demand higher pay and better working conditions, in Tokyo, in  April.
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 19, 2023
Japan eyes expanding tax breaks for firms raising wages
The industry ministry will include plans to expand the program in its tax system reform proposal for fiscal 2024, which starts next April.
The Internal Revenue Service headquarters in Washington. A conservative group's charge that a liberal network is abusing its tax-exempt status mirrors similar allegations made against a right-wing activist.
Aug 16, 2023
U.S. ‘dark money’ donor groups trade accusations of tax evasion
Though the allegations by both sides are partisan, legal experts say the concerns they raise have been taken seriously by the IRS in the past.
JAPAN / Society
Aug 1, 2023
Japan's hometown tax donations set record for third year
The value of donations under the furusato nōzei (hometown tax donation) system rose by about 20% from the previous year to ¥965.4 billion.
Jul 18, 2023
Local governments in Tokyo spruce up donor gifts
Shinjuku Ward is considering a menu of unique gifts, such as crafts related to local industries including printing and dyeing, and a one-day 'mayor's experience' program.
Jul 12, 2023
Japan’s bid to nurture startups lags global rivals on tax breaks
Struggling with a far lower business entry rate than the U.S. or Europe, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s government in 2022 launched a five-year plan to encourage new ventures.
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2023
New battery sourcing rules make Japanese EVs ineligible for U.S. tax breaks
The new standards say a certain share of battery parts must be made and assembled in North America, with similar rules for key minerals used as materials for the batteries.
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Jun 21, 2023
Kishida comes away from parliamentary session with key goals achieved
Out of 60 bills it submitted, 58 became law, a 96.7% passage rate — a slight drop from the equivalent session last year, where all 61 bills received parliament's approval.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2023
Budgets are the real test of Kishida’s leadership
For the government to balance the budget while increasing spending on defense, child care and the elderly will require hard choices.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 13, 2023
Japan delays possible tax hike period for defense, draft documents show
Japan has set ¥6.8 trillion for defense spending in this fiscal year, jumping from last year’s ¥5.4 trillion.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2023
Debt debacle confirms what many thought of the U.S.
China is the chief beneficiary of the U.S. debt ceiling nonsense. Doubts about U.S. trustworthiness spur governments to look elsewhere for leadership and stability.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2023
Flight of affluent taxpayers catches up with New York
The latest personal income tax data from New York shows the state bringing in less revenue than it did before the pandemic, which could hamper its ability to pay its bills.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties