Tag - taxes



Sep 27, 2013
Republican hard-liners block plan to avoid U.S. defaulting on debt
The Republican Party's right wing on Thursday blocked a strategy by House Speaker John Boehner for navigating a series of deadlines to keep the government funded and avoid a first-ever U.S. debt default.
Sep 15, 2013
Keep tuition exemption
The government should increase taxes on wealthy families rather than exclude their children from the high school tuition exemption and support system.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 15, 2013
Conservative Club for Growth targets 'Obamacare'
The first sign that Republican leaders could not control their new majority came on a vote to help Americans who lose their jobs to foreign workers. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor considered the measure routine and in February 2011 put it on a list of bills that were expected to pass without objection....
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 30, 2013
White House, Republicans give up on budget talks
The Obama administration and a group of Republican senators on Thursday abandoned efforts to hammer out a budget deal and avoid a showdown over the national debt, saying they had failed to resolve their long-standing dispute over taxes.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 26, 2013
U.S. government not shrinking fast
After 2½ years of budget battles, the U.S. federal government is on pace this year to spend $3.455 trillion.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 2, 2013
Tax delay and Fed paring called threat to JGB bubble
Takeshi Fujimaki, a former adviser to billionaire investor George Soros who won a seat in the Upper House election last month, said a delay in increasing the sales tax and a reduction in the U.S. Federal Reserve's stimulus could cause the Japanese government bond "bubble" to burst.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2013
Freddie Mac vet Koskinen nominated to lead IRS
President Barack Obama on Thursday nominated John Koskinen to head the embattled Internal Revenue Service.
Japan Times
Jul 31, 2013
Obama offers deal over taxes, jobs
President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed spending more on creating jobs in exchange for an overhaul of business taxes. But the idea quickly devolved into the type of partisan finger-pointing that shows why any agreement will be so difficult.
Jul 22, 2013
Golf courses adjust to harsher economics and changing demographics
Golfers in Japan are getting older, with no one to replace them when they're gone.
Jul 20, 2013
G-20 vows to prioritize employment, economic growth in short term
The finance chiefs of the Group of 20 major economies pledge to take necessary steps to boost job creation and economic growth as a near-term priority.
Jun 4, 2013
Apple isn't the core of a taxing U.S. problem
There may be a better way to tax multinational corporations: tax them on their revenue in a country rather than on their profits.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
May 22, 2013
Apple used 'complex web' to avoid taxes, Senate inquiry finds
Apple used a "complex web" of offshore entities — with no employees or physical offices — that allowed it to pay little or no taxes on tens of billions it earned overseas, according to a Senate investigation unveiled Monday.
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Yokohama: What do you think of the prime minister's 'Abenomic' strategy so far?
Businesses are getting better, and at least finance types are strong. But in my business salaries are not going up.
May 18, 2013
Before tea party scandal, IRS harassed gay groups
Before there was the tea party, there was Big Mama Rag, Inc.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 25, 2013
Baucus retirement sets stage for sweeping legislative changes
Montana Sen. Max Baucus, one of the most influential congressional figures of his era, announced his intention Tuesday to retire, a move that could produce sweeping changes in the political and legislative landscape over the next two years.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 25, 2013
As U.S. economy picks up, richest get richer
Wealth inequality widened dramatically during the first two years of the economic recovery, as the upper 7 percent of American households saw their average net worth increase 28 percent while the wealth of the other 93 percent declined, according to a report released Tuesday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 12, 2013
Hollande seeks to eradicate tax havens
With the French government reeling over a minister's tax-dodging scandal, President Francois Hollande proposed a law Wednesday that would force ministers, legislators and other senior officials to declare their assets publicly and submit to auditing by a "totally independent" authority before and after...
Mar 30, 2013
U.S. to set new rules for cleaner gasoline
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was to move ahead Friday with a rule requiring cleaner gasoline and lower-pollution vehicles nationwide, amounting to one of President Barack Obama's most significant air pollution initiatives, according to people briefed on the decision.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties