Tag - tariffs



Japan Times
Jan 21, 2019
Fourth-quarter figures drag China's 2018 growth to a 28-year low of 6.6%
China's economy cooled in the fourth quarter under pressure from faltering domestic demand and bruising U.S. tariffs, dragging growth in 2018 to its lowest level in nearly three decades and pressuring Beijing to roll out more stimulus to avert a sharper slowdown.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2019
U.S.-China trade talks making scant progress on make-or-break intellectual property problem
Ever since negotiators from the United States and China sat down in Beijing after a Christmas meltdown in global markets, Donald Trump has sought to calm investors and claim his trade talks are making great strides. But that glosses over a more uncomfortable reality.
Japan Times
Jan 14, 2019
Chinese exports in December contracted the most in two years, raising risks for global economy
China's exports unexpectedly fell the most in two years in December, while imports also contracted, pointing to further weakness in the world's second-largest economy in 2019 and deteriorating global demand.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 14, 2019
Pacific trade deal spurs Canadian farm sales to Japan as U.S. looks on
At the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo last month, beef promoters flew in a chef from Canada to cook New York strip steaks for hungry Japanese importers and restaurant suppliers.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jan 10, 2019
Time for a reality check on trade as Asia stock rally fades
Sure, the trade war between the U.S. and China seems to be easing. But, with few details available after three days of midlevel talks, other than the promise of more talks, equity investors are taking a pause.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2019
China says trade talks with U.S. have set foundation to resolve concerns, without giving details
Trade talks between China and the United States this week were extensive and helped establish a foundation for the resolution of each others' concerns, China's commerce ministry said on Thursday, but gave no details on the issues at stake.
Japan Times
Jan 8, 2019
Who benefits from Trump's trade war?
The U.S.-China trade war may lead to broader damage, as tit-for-tat tariffs reduce overall exports, undermine total global trade flows and impede world economic growth.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2019
U.S.-China trade war, demand slump taking toll on global manufacturing
Factory activity weakened across much of Europe and Asia in December as the U.S.-led trade war and a slowdown in demand hit production in many economies, offering little reason for optimism as the new year begins.
Dec 22, 2018
White House unveils goals for Japan trade talks
The White House lays out objectives for trade talks with Japan, which could begin as early as Jan. 20, as the administration seeks to slash the United States' $69 billion trade deficit.
Japan Times
Dec 10, 2018
U.S. calls March 1 'hard deadline' for trade deal with China
U.S.-China trade negotiations need to reach a successful end by March 1 or new tariffs will be imposed, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Sunday, clarifying there is a "hard deadline" after a week of seeming confusion among President Donald Trump and his advisers.
Japan Times
Dec 6, 2018
Toyota fears Trump's proposed tariffs could dent U.S. car sales
Toyota Motor Corp. executives are still concerned that President Donald Trump's proposed auto tariffs could come to pass and cut U.S. auto sales by about 2 million cars a year.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2018
Trump holds out possible extension on 90-day China trade truce
U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday held out the possibility of an extension of the 90-day trade truce he and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed on over the weekend that would freeze tariffs while a broader deal is negotiated.
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2018
Democratic senators blame Trump's tariffs and corporate greed for GM job and plant cuts
Donald Trump's trade war and corporate greed contributed to General Motors Co. cutting jobs and closing plants, Democratic senators in states affected by the decisions said ahead of an expected meeting this week with lawmakers and Chief Executive Officer Mary Barra. But they differed on what weighed...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Nov 28, 2018
China envoy warns of dire consequences if U.S. hard-liners hold sway in bid to separate economies
China is going to this week's G-20 summit hoping for a deal to ease a damaging trade war with the United States, Beijing's ambassador to Washington said on Tuesday while warning of dire consequences if U.S. hardliners try to separate the world's two largest economies.
Nov 19, 2018
Art of the upper hand: Entrepreneur helps China firms battle Trump's $250 billion trade war
U.S. President Donald Trump's $250 billion economic battle with China has run into a one-man obstacle. A trade-war whisperer working for the other side.
Japan Times
Nov 16, 2018
Auto tariffs riskier than Wall Street thinks: economist
Wall Street may be underestimating the threat of tariffs on the auto industry, according to Phil Levy, a senior fellow on global economy at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Japan Times
Nov 13, 2018
Japanese, EU cars in the crosshairs as U.S. weighs tariffs on national security grounds
The U.S. Commerce Department has submitted draft recommendations to the White House on its investigation into whether to impose tariffs of up to 25 percent on imported cars and parts on national security grounds, two administration officials said.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?