Tag - tariffs



Japan Times
May 21, 2018
U.S.-China trade truce may prove fleeting without serious reform
The newly declared economic truce between the U.S. and China will prove temporary if the world's two largest economies fail to deliver on vague commitments to rebalance trade.
May 21, 2018
German companies worry Trump moving toward 'America Alone'
German companies are concerned that U.S. President Donald Trump is increasingly thinking only of America rather than just putting his country first, the head of Germany's DIHK Chambers of Commerce told media.
Japan Times
May 16, 2018
Trump threatens EU tariffs anew after WTO rules Boeing suffered via illegal subsidies to Airbus
The U.S. threatened to impose sanctions against the European Union after the World Trade Organization ruled that Airbus SE received illegal government funding to develop jetliners, costing Boeing Co. sales.
May 11, 2018
GOP U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio pushes bill that would bar sales of 'sensitive' tech to China
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio announced legislation on Thursday that would bar the sale of "sensitive" technology to China and hike some duties and taxes, in the latest move by U.S. lawmakers to clamp down on what they regard as Beijing's efforts to steal U.S. intellectual property.
May 3, 2018
U.S. halts talks with Brazil, levies import tariffs and quotas on steel and aluminum
The U.S. government called off negotiations with Brazil on tariffs over U.S. protectionist measures and reinstated tariffs and quotas on imports of Brazilian steel and aluminum, according to a statement by the Brazilian government on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Apr 30, 2018
Wilbur Ross says U.S. will exempt some allies from steel duties but not all
The Trump administration plans to extend relief from steel and aluminum tariffs to some countries, but not all, when their temporary exemptions expire on Tuesday, said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2018
Trade believed key topic as Trump and Apple CEO Tim Cook meet at White House
President Donald Trump met with Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook on Wednesday to discuss trade issues as the technology industry grapples with a U.S. spat over import tariffs with China, a manufacturing hub for the iPhone maker and other companies.
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2018
Trump's next $100 billion tariff dilemma: Hit Walmart or Apple?
U.S. consumers may be about to feel directly the effects of the trade fight started by U.S. President Donald Trump with China and other countries this year, when a new list of Chinese imports to be taxed is announced in coming days.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 19, 2018
Trump and Abe agree to intensify trade talks, but show little progress on metals tariff exemption
Asked for clarification on whether moves to deepen discussions could lead to a bilateral trade deal, neither leader was prepared to give a definitive response.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2018
Trump predicts trade concessions by China despite rising tensions
U.S. President Donald Trump predicted Sunday that China would lower its trade barriers, expressing optimism despite escalating trade tensions between the world's two largest economies that have roiled global markets in the past week.
Japan Times
Apr 6, 2018
Trump tells trade officials to consider $100 billion more in new tariffs on China
President Donald Trump said on Thursday he had instructed U.S. trade officials to consider $100 billion in additional tariffs on China, fueling an already heated trade dispute between the world's two biggest economies.
Japan Times
Apr 5, 2018
Japan faces losses on grain, production fronts if U.S.-China trade war erupts
Firms in Japan could be affected by the escalating trade row if they source production in China, export grain from U.S. subsidiaries, or if U.S.-bound shipments from China fall.
Japan Times
Apr 5, 2018
Ex-Trump aide Steve Bannon: 'To hell with Wall Street' view on trade moves against China
Steve Bannon, U.S. President Donald Trump's former chief strategist and 2016 campaign CEO, had a fiery response on Wednesday to Wall Street's dim view of Trump's trade actions against China.
Japan Times
Apr 5, 2018
China strikes back with duties on U.S. soybeans, planes and cars, sending global markets down
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 4, 2018
From flamethrowers to bovine blood, plenty of head scratchers among Chinese items hit by U.S. tariffs
When you export half a trillion bucks worth of stuff to the U.S., there's bound to be some unusual items in the mix.
Apr 4, 2018
China formally notifies the WTO of retaliatory tariffs against U.S.
China has notified the World Trade Organization it is imposing $611.5 million worth of retaliatory tariffs on $2.75 billion worth of U.S. imports, including pork, nuts and ethanol, in response to U.S. duties on aluminum and steel, a WTO document showed.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
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