Tag - tariffs



Japan Times
Jul 4, 2018
To spite Harley-Davidson, Trump claims he's turned to foreign bike rivals to up U.S. output
U.S. President Donald Trump added fuel to his feud with Harley-Davidson Inc. by claiming he's working with other motorcycle-makers to offset the production it's shifting overseas.
Jul 4, 2018
China tries to rally Europe in anti-U.S. alliance on trade but finds resistance
China is putting pressure on the European Union to issue a strong joint statement against U.S. President Donald Trump's trade policies at a summit later this month but is facing resistance, European officials said.
Japan Times
Jul 4, 2018
Over 40 countries object at WTO to U.S. car tariff plan, fearing collapse of rules-based trading system
Major U.S. trading partners including the European Union, China and Japan voiced deep concern at the World Trade Organization on Tuesday about possible U.S. measures imposing additional duties on imported autos and parts.
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2018
BMW and Hyundai join GM in pressing U.S. to drop tariffs, to preserve jobs and expansion plans
BMW AG and Hyundai Motor Co. have urged the U.S. not to impose tariffs on auto imports, joining General Motors Co. in pressing their case to the Commerce Department even as a top aide to President Donald Trump dismissed the concerns as "smoke and mirrors."
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2018
GM says U.S. import tariffs could mean 'smaller' company and fewer jobs
General Motors Co. warned on Friday that higher tariffs on imported vehicles under consideration by the Trump administration could cost jobs and lead to "a smaller GM" while isolating U.S. businesses from the global market.
Jun 29, 2018
Import of cars and car parts not a threat to U.S. security, Tokyo says
Japan said on Friday that U.S. imports of its automobiles and auto parts are not an impediment to U.S. security and will not become one, and import restrictions would have "devastating effects" on the U.S. and global economies.
Japan Times
Jun 29, 2018
U.S. manufacturers vie for Trump tariff relief, exposing competitive info to rivals
The flood of requests from U.S. manufacturers with the Commerce Department to exempt them from the Trump administration's hefty tariffs on steel and aluminum imports is exposing competitive information to rivals, customers and U.S. metal producers.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2018
Dissent surfaces as China begins to question its readiness for trade war with U.S.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2018
Trump blasts Harley plan to shift U.S. production to avoid EU tariffs
U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday slammed Harley-Davidson Inc. after the motorcycle maker said it would move production for European customers overseas to avoid retaliatory tariffs that could cost it up to $100 million per year.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 25, 2018
As tariff deadlines loom, world watches U.S. and China to see who blinks first
The U.S. and China's high-stakes game of economic "chicken" is set to reach a critical juncture in the next two weeks, as the world's largest trading partners approach deadlines on tariffs and other barriers that may determine who blinks first.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 23, 2018
Trump tariff threat on European cars escalates global trade war
U.S. President Donald Trump threatened a 20 percent tariff on cars imported from the European Union unless the bloc removes import duties and other barriers to U.S. goods, escalating a global trade war the EU warned could endanger $300 billion in commerce.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2018
U.S. tariff exemptions on steel and aluminum unlikely to placate Tokyo, experts say
Experts see the policy change as motivated by business interests rather than a sincere desire to shift away from protectionism.
Jun 20, 2018
Russia, in move likely to benefit a prominent oligarch, says it will levy duties on American goods in wake of U.S. tariffs
Russia said on Tuesday it would impose import duties on U.S. road-building machinery, a measure likely to help Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who was hit by U.S. sanctions and controls Russia's biggest maker of road-building equipment.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2018
Stocks dive as Trump threatens almost all imports from China and Beijing fires back
China has underestimated President Donald Trump's resolve to move forward with tariffs unless Beijing changes its "predatory" trade practices, a top U.S. trade adviser said on Tuesday, in comments that diminished the chances of a negotiated settlement to a looming trade war between the world's economic...
Japan Times
Jun 19, 2018
A trade war will hit developing countries the hardest
The effects of a global trade war would be felt everywhere, but especially in the world's poorest countries.
Japan Times
Jun 15, 2018
Trump sets $50 billion in China tariffs with Beijing ready to strike back
U.S. President Donald Trump announced hefty tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese imports on Friday as Beijing threatened to respond in kind, in a move that looks set to ignite a trade war between the world's two largest economies.
Jun 13, 2018
Trudeau safe for now amid Trump trade war threats but angry farmers loom
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, facing the threat of a trade war from U.S. President Donald Trump, has unanimous domestic support for now but to keep a firm hold on power must wring concessions from an unwilling powerful dairy lobby in order to mollify Washington.
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2018
IMF chief slams Trump, says global economic outlook darkening by the day
International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde led an attack by global economic organizations on U.S. President Donald Trump's "America first" trade policy on Monday, warning that clouds over the global economy "are getting darker by the day.


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